Chapter 12

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In the mansion....

Nobody knows what exactly happened up on the cliff so the elders decided not to pressure the kids as far as Thitipoom's are concerned New asked them to forgive them and they really had no choice.

So Everyone went to their respective works, and Tay with his head down went back to his room sadly.

Few hours ago.......

After listening to the past except Tay's anger no one know how to react, should they forgive the couple for saving their son Or should they punish them for taking him away from them.

"Why don't you forgive them?" New said breaking the silent, " Huh what are you talking hin these were the ones who made you to be away from your family do you know how much they suffered? " Tay was the one to answer, he didn't mention himself because he thought it might pressurise New.

" I know p tay but if not for them I wouldn't be alive in front of them! And why do you make it a big deal it's them who have to choose and not you so stay out of it" New let his frustration on Tay everyone were shocked especially Tay, New never gets angry even if he is annoyed

New said it's not his business he felt like his heart broken into million pieces.

Tay went very silent and Mr. Perawat broke the silence " Ok I agree you did save my son and gave him all the love and attention but you should have told us, you out of all people know how much we suffered just because of your selfish reasons you did this I can't forgive you for that" He said in a bit raised voice.

" Sir I mean Dad please forgive them look your son is perfect and standing in front of you if it's not them" New pleaded with teary eyes " Fine, fine just because he begged me, but I don't want to see your face anymore pack your things and leave" New's dad said to them.

They were about to leave when New stopped them " Thank you for everything that you've done to me, I really love you both, to for me you are my parents and I will always be your son I'll come to visit you now and then" New said crying MrsT couldn't control her tears she hugged her son and said how sorry she is.

Back to present

In perawat house

"New baby since your back let's announce that our son is alive and your name we will change it back to Perawat"

Said Mrs P happily she don't know how to contain her happiness

" No Mam....  I don't want to change let me have Thitipoom itself I literally lived with them for 15 years I atleast want to keep this for them"

He said calmly she was a bit startled but she did understand all that matters for her now is that her son is with her

"Mom can i ask you something? " He asked shyly she nodded her head since she was busy doing some work

" Why P Tay and his family know everything about us? They are just our neighbors "

He said confused, his mom looked at him there was a tint of sadness on her face.

"New what you said to Tay today is not appreciated, if anyone who suffered the most from your loss it is him.  You better ask him forgiveness he don't deserve that treatment" She said

New felt bad but it didn't answer his question so he asked her again " What is he to me? " She sighed and looked at him.

" Your dad and his are best friends they started each other's business together,they even built house next to each other we alomost married at the same time" She laughed thinking about the past

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