Chapter 14

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Authors pov

Tay was smiling the whole morning which is unusual " What are you smiling about you look like a creep" Singto said while having coffee.

" Oh P today me and New will be going on a date he said he don't care he loved me Or not before but now he do in fact he fell for me when we first met.


Tay was sad but Krist did make him smile a bit when singto showed up with New he was a bit nervous he didn't know what to tell Or talk to New

Singto dragged Krist away from the room even though he protested

Tay stood up but since he sitting down his legs were numb and he fell on newwiee who was right in front of him.

Their faces were so close and New stared at little details like for first time, like how  his eyes were, or how good he smelt, or how thin his upper lip was.

Tay froze and did not move he too was in a different world, New recovered from the fall

"Umm.. P.... Your crushing me" New bought him out of his trance "Ahh I'm so sorry new" He got up from New and there was a awkward silence and

Before tay could say anything more

" P Tay I'm sorry i dont know, why I did that I didn't mean to" New said hesitating

"Huh why are you sorry for that my legs were numb I should be sorry" He said without realising why New apologised

New looked at him with a blank face it was then he realised why new was apologising.

" I do understand this is too much to digest you do need time to understand this and I'm sorry that I lost my temper"😅 Tay said having a small smile to hide his embarrassment

New's heart melted as how Tay talked to him. He wants to say something but he don't know if Tay will get angry or not

"Tell me what's going on your head New I know you want to say something" Tay said he could read New like a open book within two months.

" P I..... I wa... want to tell that I..... I... " Tay sighed and looked straight on New's eyes " Tell me wh" He was cut off by New's confession

" I love you P Tay I fell for you one the day I met you I was scared to admit it at first" New confessed thinking that Tay might reject him but he didn't hear a voice from the other man.

He turn my head to see him, but he have no time to be surprised that Tay's lips are on his.

And before New can think about it, he already kissing him back

They pull apart slowly, both panting. New buries his face in Tay neck, holding him tightly, Tay's fingers comb through his hair.

New still couldn't believe that Tay is not angry nor he rejected him but

" P are you sure not going to reject me? " His voice was very small, so small that if Tay wouldn't have been hugging New he couldn't have heard it.

Tay pulled himself from the hug and smiled his sunshine smile is back

" Of course not New why would I? I was waiting for this day from so long" He said. New was very happy he didn't know what to do

" P...P..can we tart fresh I don't care what we had in past but I'm sure I want us now if I get my memories of you or not"

New said with happy tears and Tay just can't help smiling.

End of the story

" So this is what happened P " Tay smiled at his parents and brother as if there's no tomorrow and all of them were happy to their Tay back, New really is a angel in disguise.

After breakfast Singto and Tay parted their way before going

"Tay I have to come by your office dad said he need some signature of you for few documents" Singto said

" But P I'm not holding anything in dad's company then how can I? " Tay asked confused he made sure he was not related to any thing in his dad's company.

" Me and dad decided to merge your company with the main one so that it will be easy so boy from now on you too are the co owner of our company " Singto said proudly

"But I never agreed to this nor signed any files about this so far and did the board agree? " Tay said confused

" Of course why not they should agree. And It doesn't matter you agree or not and mom wants the company to merge so yea I'll come for the signing be in the office oh yea and it's dad who is owning your company don't forget about it my boy" Singto ignored Tay's protest and drove to his office.

That was when Tay saw New coming out of his house and he went to him " New come on let's go together " He said and kissed him New turned completely red he turned back to see his mom smiling at them he pushed Tay and went inside his car.

Tay looked confused then he saw Mrs P smirking at him, he was shy he nervously smiled and said her bye.

"P Te you did that purposely  didn't you? You saw mom there" New who was shy was complaining to Tay

" Aww what's wrong with that mama know our relationship so it's fine" Tay laughed New looked cute when he was complaining Tay couldn't help but give a peck on his cheeks, New was shy he looked out of the window to hide his red face for the rest of the ride.

They  reached the office and started their respective works, Tay was waiting for his brother he only had 2 meeting to attend and he finished them he badly wanted to go home.

New gave him so many files for signing "Ahh I wish I had some other work other than signing these papers" 😫 he talked to no one in particular.

" Maybe if you give some concentration you wouldn't have signed that ownership paper" New who came inside said

" Oh hin your here and did I sign the papers really?" Tay asked confused

"P you really won't check before signing" New now looked slightly annoyed " Why should I you are here I know you will check everything I just need to sign" He said, New felt happy that Tay trust him blindly, he really feels lucky to be in Tay's life.

"Is P outside let's go I'm so freaking tired I just, want to go home soon" Tay said annoying this bought New back to earth.

" No P Tay but someone else arranged a sudden meeting with you, he said he came all the way from US to meet you because of some errors in the agreement" New said

" But hin it's evening now I want to go home tell him to come tomorrow " Tay really looked tired even tho he signed few papers and had two meetings

" But P, he said he will finish it soon" He said again

" Ok fine tell me I'll be giving him 20 min not more that that I don't mind if I loose few millions " Tay said frustrated.

Tay was going to his meeting room with New  "By the way New you be here P  said he is coming so when he comes if I'm in that stupid meeting just come to me ok" He said and went inside the meeting room leaving New wait for Singto.

As Tay went inside seeing the person inside he froze he couldn't take a step and the man just smirked.


So at last he is here Face to face with Tay who do you think that man is? What storm he will get for Tay! let me know your answer please vote and comment 😁

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