Chapter 4

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Tay's Pov

Its really my Newwiee! he still alive! Or am I dreaming? No he was here a while ago.

I knew it! I knew it he was out somewhere but no one believed me they assumed I've been crazy.

Now my heart is telling the truth, this boy is really my New but then why didn't he recognise me at all?

Did he forget me so easily? after all I was his best friend and we were destined to be  together.

"Stop hopping Tay he is not your newwiee he is someone else " said lee who was watching Tay dreaming and questioning himself since gun and newwiee left the office.

"How can you be so sure p that he is not? He is my newwiee didn't you see him how can anyone have same name and face at the same time this is him"

I said having tears in his eyes how can they still say he is not alive when I just met him now.

"Listen to p, baby he is not our boy all of these might be a just a mear coincidence who knows maybe someone is using him to hurt you" he said

How can he say that I could see in that boys eyes how sincere he is when I shock his hand his hand looked perfect in mine he is Newwiee.

Thinking about the past just made me more sad and I cant help but break down only if i....its all my fault , I heard p lee calling someone before he came and hugged me I couldn't control my tears it's been a while I broke down like this

After a while I saw p Singto and p kit entered my eyes were blurred with tears seeing p I cried more seeing them they couldn't do anything but hug me tightly.

P said that he will take me back home but i didn't want to, but i agreed because he looked very tired and i dont want to be more burden to him.

Yesterday after me breaking down p took me back home, and  p Krist handled my last meeting we reached home late and i just went to bed without having dinner too

But I'm sure that boy new is my new and I trust my heart more than anything and I will prove everyone he is alive

I will find the reason why he didn't recognise me, how can he forget me that's the only question I'm wandering from the time I met him

My parents and p kit's parents had decided last week to have dinner together today and i'm going to tell them what happened yesterday I want some support and dinner will be the right time to say it.

Author pov

After a while tay woke up by hearing few knocks he didn't realize when he passed out

"Tay dear dinner is ready your mama cooked it for you" said Tay's mom from the other side of the door

"Coming mom" he said

All of them were waiting for him to start the dinner he came down stair and they started their dinner

While having dinner parent's talking about business and their kids, couple flirting with each other Tay was the only one eating quietly when he had cashew chicken he remembered his newwiee after all its his favorite dish and once again he remembered today's encounter

"Newwiee is alive"

Tay said out of no where and suddenly everything in the table was silent and everyone were staring at Tay whose head was down

"wh..what do you mean Tay? It's not funny" said Tay's mom, she know her son still didn't come out of her another son's death but she didn't expect he will still believe in these false hope still

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