Chapter 3

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New's pov

Have you ever felt like running out of the house because not from the torture but by too much of love which is given to you? 

I have always felt like running away, I know my parents love me to their core but they are too protective its like they are scared that I might disappear from their lives as if I can😼

Mom always tell me i'm like a blessing to them,tho I always used to create nothing but problem

But how much ever they love me or be protective towards me i always feel like a outside, I know I shouldn't be thinking like this but still I feel like I belong somewhere else.

I mean who wont think that I don't even look like them, I don't have same behaviour and my friends used to ask me if I am really their son or not, they even tease me that I got exchanged in hospital with their son.

But I always argue that I am their son and I'm proud of it, and yes somewhere I wish these second thoughts will disappear.

Lets not think about it if that time comes I'll deal with it

So let me tell you about my self I'm Newwiee shortly called New I love sweets and cats.😺 and yes I annoy anyone if I don't like them or want something from others especially desserts

I'm the only son of the Thitipooms ya the over protective parents I mentioned you about them earlier

So the thing is I have p Gun as my only friend and how we met?

I met him when he came to Phuket he was alone and was lost one day I met me and I helped him, I took him to my home and yes my parents took good care of him.

It was the beginning of our friendship he is a year older than me but he doesn't look like

He told me he is engaged to someone called Off Jumpool I don't know why I felt like I've heard this name somewhere but I still can't recollect it since then😿

P Gun texted me saying that there's a job in Bangkok and I was in clouds at last i'm going away from here

I went down stairs excitedly " Mom dad I got a job"

" That's great New what is it about?" Mom congratulated me

" It's in TN company you do know it's a leading company people are dreaming to be there"

I was way too excited that I didn't notice their face they looked sad? " Mom dad what's wrong? " Don't tell me they will reject me going to Bangkok 😿

" Nothing baby New we are just we are sad you will be leaving us" Mom sad what did she just say

"Ar.. Are you fine me going to Bangkok like seriously" I was very much surprised
" Of course son you are older now we can't always control you" It was dad who answered me now.

I will surely miss them a lot😿

As you know what happened last night I'm still surprised that my parents agreed to send me away from their nest

Mom kinda look suspicious she acts as if I wont come back to them it's not like I'll be dying there 🙄 I feel that they are hiding something and they want to tell me but looks scared more than worried what is so important that they are so scared to tell me.

"Newwiee baby come here I've packed you're your bag wont you be late to go"

Dad called me breaking my thought and judging from his tone it looks like he is controlling his tears.

I went to them, mom turned aside as she don't want me to see her crying and I won't leave without she telling me a proper goodbye after all I'm new Thitipoom I wont give up so easily

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