Chapter 5

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Next day......

Tay's Pov

I'm in a very good mood today I slept really well without nightmares after years.

I had my breakfast with a smile on my face imagining that if he is my Newwiee how good it will be, but if he is not as p Lee said then who might he be?

After that I went to my office, my parents were really surprised looking at me usually I would be in call shouting at someone during breakfast today I was happily talking to them.

As I reached my office I told a lady in reception to send new to my cabin as soon as he comes I don't know why she was so shocked🤔 as if I've grown a horn or something.

"That's because you never talk to any of your employees other then shout at them" said p lee

Oh how can I forget  he is here and how he reads me as a open book. Do he know mind reading?

"Don't over think Tay your to obviously anyone can tell what your thinking" He said damn.

He continued "Singto told me what happened last night during dinner are you sure you want to go with this Tay?" p lee asked unsure

"why not p he is my newwiee I know that I found him at last"

Even though I'm not confident I can't show this to them.

As soon as I said we I heard a small knock and a slow "May I come in sir" I knew its him I told him to come in, he looked a bit scared why I called him all of the sudden on his first day after all

"He...good morning sir" He greeted me

"Good morning so New I want you work as my Secretary from now on no need to work as a graphic designer I have already hired some one else"

I lied he looked puzzled and when I turned to my side I saw the shock on p lee's face😂

Now his job is on stake it was funny to see him

"Are you sure sir" said a sweet voice which made me look back to him, he looked so cute with that innocent look.

"Yes, p lee here will be taking a long vacation so you have to just look after my day to day schedules and yes boy you wont get off that soon ok"

I said a bit authority because I don't want him to think I'm a very easy person or think i give him special treatment.

"Ok sir"

I just stared at him.

 Huh is that all did he just agree without thinking or is he that innocent that he don't know about me?

"Are you sure? Your work load will be more and you won't be getting day offs most of the time! "

" Yes sir" He said

I sighed I told him to wait outside for a while because of this sudden decision for sure my p is annoyed🙄

As soon as he went one I looked at p lee

"p what happened? At last I'm freeing you from me aren't you are happy?" I asked with a innocent voice he sighed

" Are you sure Tay, that boy looks way innocent to handle your torture I feel bad for that kid" he said

So he is worried about him well I want to know who he is if he is not my new like p said then why did he come here? is he a friend or not and why my heart is saying he is my new but then why don't he remember me so to know who he is it's better to let him be in front of my eyes.

"Yes p and don't worry I'll treat him well you take a vacation 😌 "

He still looked unsure about it

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