Chapter 9

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It was morning ,when New regained his conscious

He looked around it was a unfamiliar place

He felt like someone is next to him holding his hands he looked for the owner of the hand with his twinkling eyes

And saw Tay sleeping in inappropriate way, New felt bad to see him like that

'His neck and shoulder should be in hurting' he thought looking at Tay

But then started to examine Tay's face his ' he have tan skin and his jawline looks so perfect and he have long eyelashes ahh how I wish I could stare at him all day' he was talking to himself admiring Tay.

He was bought out of his trance when he heard a knock and Singto entered

" Good morning New how are you? Did you sleep well?"

He asked him as soon as he entered

" Ye..s yes, I'm fine pi but p tay don't look like look how he is sleeping "

He pointed his finger to Tay and Singto looked at him and smile.

"He was very worried about you that he didn't leave that place"

Singto said which made New wonder why? Why Tay look out for him after all he is his employee or did they have a same past??

"P can I ask you something? "

New said suddenly to which Singto just nodded

" Do we know each other? Have we met before? P krist haven't answered me yet I don't know why and P Tay takes too much care of me"

New asked with a pounding heart. He badly wanted to who they are to him.

Singto was shaken up by New's question he don't know how should he answer this question of New

"Yes you know us we know you"

Tay's sleepy voice was heard they looked at him especially New who was confused and it looked like someone threw bucket of ice on him

" Tay are you sure" Singto asked " Yes pi I'm fed up of being sad, burden and depressed I want live my life with him"

Tay pointed at New whose face was pale but New was very quite thinking about something

" New get up after breakfast we will have talk, mama and dada too have arrived it's better you know about it" Singto said

But New didn't respond him "New...New" He called him again

"Yes..yes p" He responded

"Get fresh up and come downstairs to meet mama and dada"

To which new nodded but he found some kind of strange happiness when Singto said 'mama dada' he couldn't point out what it is.

After breakfast they all sat out in the garden to speak and Mrs P was still on tears from the time she saw her lost son.

It's no doubt that he is their son, her New

On the other hand New too was convinced that he belongs here he looked exact copy of Mrs. P

But unfortunately he had no memory of people in here just a few flashbacks here and there his memories are still foggy

So New just kept quiet, Tay wanted to tell him about their past but he was worried how New will react and didn't know how to tell him. He just can't go and tell him who he is to him with New having no memory of him.

Seeing all this Krist started " New you are my brother the second son of Perawat's they are our mom and dad" New looked at them they are the same couple he saw in his dreams and his exact replica.

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