chapter 22

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Author's pov

It's first day of new in his dad's office as he entred people greeted him cheerfully but still he was nervous at first but then convinced himself that he can get along with his employees.

" New this is kai your secretary he will look after your schedule meeting and other things" Said krist

New is a reserved person he don't like others doing work for him, but now he should be used to this so he just nodded his head

Kai is really a good person he gave New all his privacy and explained him what he has to do, since Newwiee is new to this field his dad didn't give him so much of work.

New was bored in his cabin he had to do nothing now at least when he used to work as Tay's secretary he had one or the other work

So he decided to tour the office. He forgot his phone in the table and went out, he did not talk much to anyone since all were working, the employees over there were different from the ones that were in Tay's office they looked like hard working people.

As he was passing by the office canteen someone called him, he turned and saw few of his employees having their usual coffee they signed him to come to them, he didn't feel odd just went to them.

"Yes what is it? " New asked smiling at them "Are you really the lost son of the perawat? Just because you look alike doesn't mean that your their son" New was really taken back he didn't know in his own office he had to prove that if he is worth of his position

" Yea jack is right are you really his son Or just like what your parents did, they sent you here to take that position " One girl in the group said it was not hidden by now how the Thitipooms took the youngest perawat with them for these many years.

New was shocked he expected that the employees who were good to him when he was with is brother were actually faking out

He was wrong he trusted them blindly he realised what Tay used to say was correct he don't know what to say

"What are you dum can't you speak" She continued New don't know what to say this is the first time someone said something like this to him

" Oi don't talk like that he is the young master after all what if he fire us Or go crying to his dad" Said the other laughing New didn't know what to say he just left from there, he felt sad if they say like that it means others too think the same of him he felt hurt that he have to prove that he is his parents son.

He wanted to tell his brother but he didn't want to be someone going and complaining he went inside his office he thought of calling one person who can calm him down

He opened his phone and saw 5 misscall from Tay he smiled and dialed him back

" Hello baby how is your first day" Tay said as soon as he picked his call "P te 😿 I want to go back to your company I don't like being here" New couldn't help but be sad 

"What happened New did someone say anything to you? " Tay asked him and New was touched how well he understood him "No wait don't tell me on call I'm coming there now" He said in a hurry

After 10 minutes or so Tay entred New's office people over there were very familer with him since he used to go there to hang out with krist, many had a crush on him too

"Ou sir Tay how are you" One women asked him " Can you tell me where Newwiee is? " He answered her by a question, she kept quiet

"I'm asking you where is my Newwiee" Tay really is out of patience when it's related to New

"He is in his cabin" She answered plainly Tay could feel something is wrong he just straight away went to New's cabin

As he entred he saw New standing and outside the window with a sad face, he didn't even realise that tay is standing behind him

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