Chapter 16

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New pov

I never saw P tay like this since the day I met him,he did look cold stubborn and evil but never like this.

The way he looked at us when at me and P singto entered the room was the scene I never want to see once again.

He collapsed in his brother's arm, what was he so scared of? P Tay what actually happened then that makes you to suffer still.

I was terrified seeing him lifeless what should I do? P singto told me to call my p, my hands were trembling when I searched for p krist number

He picked up in a second ring "hello New at last you remember that you have a brother" He said laughing

" P... P co... Come to ci... City hospital " I said with a shaking voice " What happened New are you ok? What happened " He became serious and look worried.

"P.... P Te h... he fainted" There was no voice from the other side " I'll be there you be with P ok" He said tho his voice looks panicked I ended the call by then P singto got his car.

We took him to hospital and p told me not to worry he will be fine, but how can I not worry when he is inside without conscious, I was in my thoughts I didn't even realise p krist and p lee we're there until,

I heard P lee Interrogating P singto they were talking about the client Maxwell, did I make any mistake? Did I arrange the meeting with someone they don't know?

but he said that there's some mistake in their previous agreement. Is he not a good person why did I let him inside without knowing about him.

Now I'm scared to ask but i did ask and yea I did a big mistake he is someone unknown

I couldn't hold my tears and blame myself for what is happening only if I had checked on him😿

" Don't blame your self Newwiee it's not your fault at all baby it's my fault"

I heard p singto saying why are they all so nice to me why can't they blame me i felt like crying so i cried more in p Kit's arms.

They were talking by then doc arrived and said he is fine he can go home it was a relief for us.

P krist told me to go inside looks like he wants to talk to P singto I just nodded and went inside.

Now he is laying down and I could feel he is struggling in sleep, as much as I know it's something related to our past if only I would have remembered.

I hold his hands and put my head down so that he won't struggle in his sleep slowly his breathe became normal I could feel his calm breathing and I don't know when I dosed off

My sleep broke when I felt someone moving I opened my eyes P Tay was staring at me "I'm sorry did I wake you up? " He asked smiling a bit

" P your awake how are you? Should I call doc? " I asked worried he just laughed loudly tho he looks pale his laugh is still like a music on my ears

" Newwiee calm down I'm fine it's just that I.." He stopped looks like he didn't know what to say he looks confused.

" It's ok P I understand " I assured him with a smile he wanted to say something

" Oh your awake do you know how worried we were" P singto along with other two came inside, P Tay looked at them having innocent face and naughty eyes he really is spoiled brat 🙄

" P what did I do? I didn't do anything it was that.... " He stopped again and his face looks serious

"Tay don't force your self" P krist answered even I don't want him to stress himself after seeing what happened today.

He just kept quiet " I think he needs to rest Newwiee take care of him and you two come with me" P lee dragged them out maybe to avoid the awkward silence thay was going to come.

I was looking at the protest both my P's were doing when they were dragged when I felt someone pulled me down, I stumbled and fell upon P Tay

" P te what if you..." He didn't let me finish and kissed me He closed the gap between us. He started to nibbling my lips slowly. I just with the sync with him. He suck my lower lip and started to move on the upper lip.

He bit my upper lip asking for entrance and I parted my lips. He put his tongue into my mouth and started to devouring my mouth.

After sometimes I broke the kiss to catch some breathe P Tay wanted to cuddle he opened his arms and welcomed me to sleep

" No P you sleep you need rest I'll go out" I said " No New come sleep with me I want you to sleep here" He whined  I know these tricks I do them when I want something hahah Tay Tawan you are Underestimating me😼

But this guy is way too stubborn I had to give up I laid beside him he hugged me tightly as if he is scared that I will disappear?

What happened in past I wish I remembered them he wouldn't have gone through this alone. I heard his saying "dont leave me" Before he dosed off, med must have taken over him.

Small chapter 😅  plz vote and comment 😁

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