Chapter 13

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Krist Pov

I'm at Vihokratana mansion looking for Tay I'm sure he is hurt by New's attitude.

It's always like this Tay is close to me and Singto to New ,it's more that I'm more of elder brother to Tay and vice versa but we love them very much.

Me and Tay became more close after all of them thought New is dead, it was only Tay who kept faith in them I supported him,Singto was a bit mad but he didn't go to say anything and see now that faith got my brother back.

I entered Tay's room which welcomed me with nothing but darkness, Tay never  used to be like this.

His room used to be bright, after all he is the sunshine of our family but ever since New was lost he has become like this he completely shut himself from all of us, it really hurts to see him like this😩

I went where he is sitting with his head down and sat next to him he is shaking he cries a lot these day.

" Tay, don't cry na baby tell p what happened you should be happy by now that your New is here" I know why he is crying I know the reason is my brother but I acted as if nothing happened " P why? Why do I deserve th..... this? What did I do so bad to deserve this?"

He was sobbing, good thing I came to talk to him if it was singto he would have cried with this brother of his🙄

" P why ? Why do I feel him being so far when he is so near to me" He was sobbing and I got no words to answer that "why" What can I say.

How can I answer him even I have no idea why he can't recall only Tay " Tay baby listen to me I did hear somewhere that people tends to forget the ones they love the most who are not irreplaceable in their life so I'm sure New too forgot all of you because your too precious for him" I lied.

Why do I suck in lying " P thankyou " He smiled a bit what a relief I know he understood I lied but what can I do, tho I complain to Singto that he is too weak for his brother but, I too can't see this boy crying.

He literally grew up with me and Singto our friends tease us that Tay is our first child and I love that idea both TayNew are our children 🤭.

Tay was a bit calm I diverted the topic and asked him to take my pictures I know he loves photography after all, when we where talking we heard a knock and there were the other two Singto and New standing near the door.

Looks like New realised his mistake tho he was away from us I still can read him like a open book maybe siblings bond

Tay was silent but he had a smile on his face he is so good at hiding his pain if I didn't know his very I would have thought he is the most happiest person in the world.

Singto signalled me to come with him and leave the two of them to solve problems with each other but I didn't want to go so he dragged me out, before leaving I glanced at them.

"Will you stop worrying about them and focus on me a bit" I heard a annoying voice it's Singto's " What I'm worried about them what will happen " I was worried as hell over here and he is annoyed " It's their life let them solve it and let's think about ours" Singto said what do he mean by ours " Huh what do you mean Singto " He was smirking while I'm so damn confused over here " Well now since New is here and Tay is happy don't you think we should get married " He said as if it's nothing I looked away to hide my blush

" What do you mean! we are not done yet Singto we jus..... just can't get married " I said how can he think that when we don't know who is that person is he a threat to us Or not

"Aww baby I was kidding you look so stressed the two of them are grown ups they will solve it by themselves but your right we have our work to do" I know Singto is worried about it even I'm wondering who that person might be if only either of them would have spoken about it.

My thoughts broke when I heard laughing looks like both of them resolved their problem " Didn't I tell you not to worry" Singto too was smiling but he do look bothered I'm sure he is worried that whoever that man is will come back to destroy these boys life.

But since everything is going smooth why do I feel this is calm before the strom , without any backbreaking hope everything will be fine and this strange feeling will go away soon.

Somewhere in Bangkok....

"I've changed my mind I won't visit the family yet" The boss said, other's kept quite except one he said " Why boss we were almost there why did you say to back out? " He asked in curiosity the boss looked at him

" I liked your courage boy I just want to have fun " He smirked and his men's had confused look on their face " I will just visit Tay Tawan Vihokratana he have all memories after all" He laughed again and others kept quite "WE WILL MEET SOON TAY TAWAN" He should and laughed thinking about it


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