Chapter 11

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Author pov

Few days later....

Krist and Singto decided to make New remember his past, which did work as New started to recognise many things but unfortunately not his relationship with Tay.

Tay did feel bad about it,but he didn't mind as long as New was with him.

He started to flirt with New and the office looked so calm now since Tay stopped firing people and being grumpy because he had promised Singto so he was scared if he do that singto will not forgive him.

The cold CEO became the soft one he started to become old Tay who he was 15 years ago and his employees were happy. They used to pray for this day to come.

New called his step parents and asked them to visit he didn't tell the purpose he just said he miss them and he is too busy to go back so,New silently wished they wouldn't come but they agreed.

They said they will visit next week.

A week later......

The chaos which was held some days ago is now very dead silent and there stood Mr&Mrs T in one side with their head down other side where the kids and parents

New stood in between confused , scared, worried were all over there on his face he don't know what to do should he go against them or not.

" So Thitipoom you are the one who did this? I can't believe it" Mr Perawat said glaring at the couple angrily

" You know them? " Tay asked confused.

He just nod his head and continued "You were my trusted employees once and when you asked for sudden resignation I thought maybe I was not a good boss to my employees, because I had lost my Newwiee then, but No you are the one took my son away from us how could you" Mr T kept quiet he knows he have no explanation for this

This explanation did shock the kids

" Why why did you do it, you knew who he is why didn't you send him back to us" Mrs P said in tears.

She missed her angel for 15 years, when she was pregnant with him she had dreamt of watching both of her kids childhood which the couple broke into pieces since she had lost New she was devastated and left krist grow on his own, she regrets that alot but Mrs V was there for him.

"Mom dad say something 😿am I really not your son why didn't you tell me" New said in tears

" It... It's not like that New" His mom answer " We love you New we didn't intend to hide but" Mr T started to tell what happened

15 Years ago.......

After New fell of the cliff he was fallen into a bush of forest plants,

Mr&Mrs T went to that forest to spend some time as they loved nature especially Mrs Thitipoom she used to forget her pain in nature she started this habit after she lost her baby

so they were wandering around the forest when they heard some noise like some scream, cry, shouting so they went searching for the source of the voice and there they saw the boy fallen in bush with no conscious and injured badly , his face was turned other side so they couldn't see his face the couple went to that small boy and they were shocked to see young master New.

Mrs T always admired the small boy she always wished to have a son like him but unfortunately she couldn't.

They didn't know what to do the boy was breathing very slowly so they rushed him to hospital, the doc said that New lost his memories and his leg is fractured and and 2-3 ribs are broken, rest are minor injuries which will be cured in few days.

Mr T wanted to tell about New to his boss but his wife insisted him not to do that     

" What will happen if they don't have one of their son they already have his older brother why don't we keep him with us honey" She said pleading

" We can't sooner or later he will be all over news and people will see us with him and do you think we should betray our boss who is so good to his employees" He said torn he wants his wife to be happy so his boss

" But what if we hide him since his leg is fractured he won't be able to move and then he have no memories we can hide him and once this news is cool down we will leave from here"

Mrs T said stubbornly and in the end he couldn't say anything but listen to his wife.

They hid New well, no one knew about him Mr T acted normally like nothing happened  his wife thought of changing New's name but he was against it, it's the only thing New have from his past

In office Mr Perawat was broken he became irregular the company started to face loss so Thitipoom took this chance to resign and his resignation made Mr. P go back to work he and his wife became workaholic that they forgot their son who is alone and blaming himself for everything.

Mr&Mrs T bought a house in Phuket and started to live there he earned much for the three of them New was very good kind and sweet tho he had no memories, but he did behave royal, he didn't go to ask much what could he he was having no memory and only his step parents memories were filled. He started to live with them like he is their own kid.

End of flashback

There was a pin drop silent only broke by Mrs T's sobbing, she was sorry but she was selfish which could be understanding to New, but not to Tay 

" How can you do this? Do you know how much all of us suffered and you" He pointed at Mr Thitipoom " You are aware that dada and mama loved him so much how can you do this to them? They trusted you the most" Tay let out his frustration

" Calm down Tay it's of no use of talking about past now everything is done and now he is with us that is what is important be happy he is with us"

Singto said Tay calmed listening to his brother's voice. On the other hand New didn't utter a word he was completely shocked.

Far from there " So he is alive, I thought he is dead it's ok I have some other plans" Boss smirked

"Boss what should we should i send someone to kill him? " Asked one of his men. "No no need to do that it's been long I will vist Vihokratana and the Perawat's I want to see their faces" He laughed like a mad man.


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