chapter 25

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Author pov

In Mr Maxwell House his dear daughter Namtan is starting at the said person angrily he is just looking at his laptop doing his work

"Dad for how long do I have to wait" She asked Maxwell who didn't look up "don't worry love he might be dead any moment now" He said to his daughter laughing.

On the other side

"I know who it is" Someone said standing near the door all the ones in the room looked at the source and they were shocked

"Joss what are you doing here?" The fake doc said but Joss just ignored him, he went straight to where Tay is standing

"Tay I'll tell you everything" He said which really surprised all "Joss you can't betray boss like this he will not spare you" Fake doc said

"I'M DONE WITH THAT MAD MAN" He shouted at that person

"Aren't you are uncle zain's son then what connection do you have with these bad people and uncle Zain know about this" Asked Tay who was feeling scared he couldn't explain what he is feeling inside

"About that I'm not in that position to tell you and yes I have connection with these bad people" Joss said he didn't want to interfere in their matter

Tay just kept quiet he didn't know what to say seeing this Singto continued "You were saying" Joss moved his attention to Singto

"oh yes it's Mr Pan Maxwell he told Dan to come as a fake doc and inject some posion to him so he can die slowly" Joss said and suddenly they heard laughter it was Dan the fake doc

"Oh Joss my sweet boy don't you think your a bit late I already have injected that posion on him" He said laughing this just paled Tay he went near his hin checking him he don't want to loose him again

But Joss looked calm "Do you really think I'm that dumb? After all I'm his right man I would know what to do I changed that posion already and what you injected him is just water" He said and Dan was very angry.

Tay was relieved when he heard Joss's explanation he hugged his hin tightly not letting him go

"P.. P Tay I can't breathe" New said it was then he broke the hug, after their sweet moment Tay turned to Dan he was going to hit him but then the door opened

It was off gun and krist standing there it looks like the heard everything that happened inside

"Tay before you punch him let's catch the real person who is behind this" Off said to him but tay didn't listen to him and landed a punch on Dan

"Your words don't have respect P off" New who was in the bed said laughing

"You don't listen to me don't you" Off told Tay who looks a bit satisfied after punching the fake doc.

"Now papii tell us what you were going to say about catching pan Maxwell" Gun said

"Well you see let's set a trap and this fake doc will make him to come here" Off said having evil smile Tay felt something is cooking in off's head

"Are you sure that we can trust you" He asked off and everyone laughed

After a while Maxwell got a call from Dan "Bo.. Boss my wo.. work is done" Maxwell smirks at his daughter who will be looking at him

"Very good you really showed me your worth just, disappear from there I've already sent money to your account,before that do you have any idea where that idiot Joss is" He said a bit madly

He didn't receive any reply from the other side which looked suspicious "Dan.. Dan you there? " He asked "ye... Yes sir just now people where beside me sorry" He said "ok I'll come to the hospital soon" He cut the call without listening to other person's talk

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