chapter 19

394 27 13

Newwiee pov

I was so annoyed so frustrated I don't know how to describe this feeling how can all of them leave me alone and be in their own world😾

Yesterday p off did scold me for keeping everything as a secret what should I do it was p tay he told me not to tell them speaking of p Tay where the hell is he?

I searched where p Tay is and look at him he is having fun and talking to those people as if they are having a very interesting conversation I need ice cream or I will go mad sitting in here.

Dad did have selected good flavours of ice cream or is it p singto or mom or p krist well I don't care who did but I loved this, I'm so confused which one to buy so I bought one vanilla,strawberry and chocolate for now others I'll try it later

As I was searching seat I found a empty table I went and sat over there I wanted to know did P Tay Or any others wondered where I was! I started to search pTay in the crowd.

I found him but I shouldn't have, I regret searching for him😾there's a women clinging on my P and how dare he allow her don't he know I'll be around..

" Hello there are you a guest too" I hear from back of me I ignored as there are many people in here he again asked if the seat next to me is available or not but that someone asked me once again that's when I looked up he was staring at me

yuck he gives me creepy vibes in that handsome face of his, since I want show p tay that I'm the boss here I allowed him to sit next to me

He started his boring introduction and asked me as if u care I gave him no answer who do he think he is, since I didn't tell him my name he called me "cute" 😾

I hate it I hate when people call me cute I'm not cute but handsome ok I admit when p Tay said I'm cute I don't mind being cute for him but not to others

" Don't. Call. Me. Cute" I said each syllabus I was really annoyed but he wanted to play so I decided to ignore him, I guess he understood but still he kept on talking other things.

After a while he started to talk about p tay and me? Of course it's me I was dead for them for so many years I wanted to know how all of them were in past 15 years he started to talk about PTay and looks like he is insulting him, I'm loosing my temper how can he talk bad about him.

He is one of the nicest person I met before I could answer" Does that have to do anything with you" I heard a very cold voice which made me and him shiver, it was p Tay what his employees is correct he is indeed scary 😹

I was pissed if he wouldn't have left me alone this guy wouldn't have talked to me and this ju..ja...joss who ever he is started to talk about my death first I was pissed because of p Tay and now because of this man now I'm super pissed

" What is that person is alive and next to you" I said he looked as if he saw a ghost of course you Mr I'm a dead ghost 👻 seeing his pale face I wanted to laugh tho he looked shock it looks like he was thinking something

suddenly pTay grabbed my wrist and pulled me close to him giving reason mom and dad r calling me I know he is lying he dragged me out of there and warned joss to stay away from me.

He hold my hand tightly it started to pain and I complained but he turned deaf, fine if you turn deaf I'll teach you a lesson I didn't go to speak when he pushed me into a empty room.

Which room is this I've not seen this maybe a hideout of his, it has so many pics of him and me

why do I care I'm still angry with him first he ignored me, then when I someone tried to speak to me he warned then and then he hurt my poor wrist I was red in anger and chose to fight he too looked pissed " New you don't know who are good and bad, I'm warning you stay away from him he is a creep always give me bad vibes"

As if I care he chose to ignore me and now why is he telling this I thought I'll keep quite but then I wanted to teach him a lesson "Why does it concern you"

I was really pissed but then his face changed into some sort of fear?

Fear of loosing he said they r strangers and they can be harmful we can't trust them and especially this person who talked to me, he gives P too bad vibes I was touched my his concern I was ready to accept when my mouth betrayed me.

I said about that clinging woman and P Tay understood that I was jealous and he pulled me closer to him, oh god my heart even you don't betray me by beating so fast he will understand I was in my own thought when he kissed me out of no where he broke the kiss and said that I look cute I'm sure my face is red as tomato and he assured that he will be with me and never leave me.

He then said our parents will be worried so it's better to go when we went there P singto came to us, he looks really annoyed

" Where were you two do you know how important this event is" He was about to scold more when dad made sure all are in his attention.

Dad introduced me who I am and other things I was standing beside P krist after everything many of them started to persuade me and one among is that women who was clinging P tay😾 she came close to me with hateful look she warned me too as if I care I too challenged her and warned her to stay away from him and me. He is mine after all.

I left from there and went near P Tay he was arguing with one of his friend about colour it looked like he is making fun of that person

I didn't hear what they were talking when I stood beside him, his hands wrapped around my waist I turned to that clinging women and smirked at her 😼 'all the best' I mouthed her from where I stood.

She looked fierce and then took her phone and dialled someone

" Hey were are you looking at I'm in front of you" It's P Tay's voice that bought me back " I..... I know P Tay I just wanted to see around " What a lame excuse New "Hahah New you don't have to give excuses I know you are eying those cakes over there"

Poor P Tay he is innocent I was watching that women over there, but wait did he say CAKE I looked at where it is I was about to go there when I felt hold against my waist getting tighter, I know he won't allow me so Newwiee use your trick😼

I looked at him with puppy eyes "P tay please na let me...." He cut me off " No nothing not atleast until you eat proper dinner you have already eaten too much of sweets and no don't you dare denie that you didn't have before" How understands me so well and he don't even fall to my tricks how everyone will😿

Third person pov
Mr Maxwell is very angry seeing the whole family happily having dinner together " This might be your last happy dinner" He said it to no one particular but looking at the two families especially the younger ones.

How was it. Newwiee being jealous of someone 😂
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