Chapter 18

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Author pov

It's weekend Mr and Mrs P/V are welcoming the guests, Singto and Krist are busy looking at the arrangements, off gun are speaking to some guests, Tay got one of his client all seems busy except for one person who is sulking and eating ice cream.

He is pissed that no one is giving him any attention, tho he don't like getting attention but he wanted someone to talk to than to sit alone he sighed and just continued sulking

" Hello there are you a guest too"

Someone spoke behind him at first he didn't give any attention to the voice.

But the said man asked again " The seat next to you is available? May I sit there?"

It was then New looked up, a handsome man who looked around his age was staring at him New felt that the said man is creepy he was going to tell it was not available when his eyes laid where Tay was

laughing and joking with others and saw a lady clinging to him New wanted to show who the boss is " Yea sure it's empty " He said smiling a bit.

The man smirked a little as if he wanted it and took his seat next to New

" Hello there are you a guest?" He asked New with a smile " Does it concern you "
New tried to keep distance so he started to talk a bit rudely

" Hey hey don't be mad I just wanted to know, anyways I'm Joss" He extended his hand New ignored that hand and just nodded his head.

" Hey your not going to introduce yourself? " Joss asked New again " I have no business with you sir and you self introduced yourself I never asked you for that" New said concentrating the ice cream in front of him.

Joss thought 'interesting' as his boss told him.

" So Mr cute guy why are you alone no one came along with you? How can anyone leave such a cute person alone" He started the conversation New glared angrily at him

" Don't call me cute" Joss just laughed " If your cute I can tell you cute" He was laughing " Don't. Call. Me. Cute" New said annoying, he hates when others call him cute( well except for his Tay).

" Ok ok don't be mad na" Joss said which gave more creepy vibes to New he ignored this guy. 'How long you will ignore me" Joss thought looking at New.

Tay who was with his clients and just glanced at New and saw him sitting with another guy.

He decided to go where New is he don't want others to hit on his boyfriend and however he wanted to escape from this lady who is clinging him that he don't even know who she is🙄. He removed her hand from his arm and passed through without caring about her protest .

" So have you heard Perawat's have some news to say today do you have any idea of it" New still kept quite ignoring him.

" And I still don't get it why that Tay is not over his dead boyfriend and you know what I heard that this boyfriend of his was long back dead when he was a kid"

Joss kept on talking about Tay without aware that Tay is right behind him

"Does that anything have to do with you who ever you are" Tay glared at him with angry eyes without knowing who he is

"Wow wow calm down Tay it's not like he is still alive and he is here" Joss said turning after hearing Tay's angry voice

"And what if he is alive and standing next to you" Unexpected to Joss it was New's voice he was fuming in anger, Joss didn't have words to speak " Baby let's go from here mama dada are waiting " Tay dragged him away from Joss not before giving him a dead glare.

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