chapter 20

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Author pov

On sunday morning both the families are having breakfast together but something seems off.

New looks like he is in other world, Tay too was thinking something, the table was very silent without them bricking about something or the other " What is wrong with you two why are you both so silent today?" Singto's voice interrupt their thought.

It was Tay who spoke first "P I had a breakfast meeting today with uncle Zain i wanted to tell him about New and you dragged me here" Tay was sulking Mr zain is the one who helped Tay alot he was like a third father to Tay and he wanted to meet him badly.

But it was exactly opposite towards the family they didn't like this man at all, Since they know his bad doings.

" Why do you want to tell me what I think is, it's better to keep quite" Tay's dad answered he did not like this Zain at all.

Singto just sighed " And What is your problem New" He looked at New

" P dad wants me to join the company 😿 I know nothing about it"  New said pouting " YOU WHAT " It was Tay's sudden loud voice that startled everyone " Tay don't scream your in dining table" It was Mrs V who scolded her son, she dont like when anyone speaks loudly during having food. And tay apologized .

" But serious why New have to go to office he is with me as my secretary why should he leave and if he go who will be my secretary " Tay said he was panicked, because he was so used to New that he don't want any others to replace him.

" You will be joining your dad company so why do you need New anymore" Off commented " I don't want to join and I'm happy with mine and it's already successful and most importantly why are you here who invited you two here" Tay started to argue he was annoyed

" Oh oh for your kind information it's your mom dad who invited us here and please do respect me afterall im older than you" Off countered Tay

"Oh please I don't want to respect you" Tay recounted, " As much as I remember few days ago someone did call me p" Off smirked at Tay, Tay was quite for a while he knows he can't back answer it back.

"You must have been dreaming because of.....of jet lag so you heard me calling you p" Tay tried to look cool tho he know he is busted.

Gun was annoyed by these two fighting he just wanted a good silent breakfast and here the two of they are arguing like kids

" Tay shut up if it was not me who invited him here you would have never met" Gun said pointing at New who was enjoying the bricking. "And you papii you are telling that your older then act like one" He really really looked annoyed

Off kept quite he didn't want to make gun more furious. Tay was dumbstruck because Gun have a point. He wants to argue but his mom cut him off

"Tay my boy as your brother said you will be working in viho corp from tomorrow that's what we want" She said to him he was ready to protest but looking at her face he choose not to and just nodded his head. This is the least he can do to them.

After their breakfast to Tay's surprise Mr Zain was waiting for him, he was happy to meet him " Uncle Zain I didn't know you will be coming" Tay went and hugged his uncle " Looks like you don't want to meet me" Mr zain teased Tay and others laughed.

Tay turned his right pulling New beside him       

" Uncle uncle I want you to meet New, my boyfriend soulmate " Tay said without hesitating having sparkles in his eyes

New turned red he is still shy when Tay call him his 'soulmate'.
"Hello sir I'm Newwiee you can call me New" He extended his hand, Tay badly want Mr Zain to like New he knows everyone will like New but still he wanted Mr Zain to like him, but looks like he have some other plan.

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