Chapter 15

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Author pov

Tay froze completely, in the meeting room he never thought in his dreams that he will meet this person again.

When tay saw that person smiling like a devil all the memories started to flood in his mind.

He was trying.... trying really hard to even his breath but the more he stare at that person the more his breathing get hard.

" Well well well We meet again Tay and looks like you still remember me or should I say you still remember what I did to you and that boy of yours" He said in a low voice with a evil smirk.

Tay tried to look strong but no words left his mouth and he was shivering way too much the man just smirked

" We will meet each other soon looks like you are way too shaken from my presence be strong the next time we meet" He said tapping Tay's cheeks and left the room.

New who was waiting for Singto outside he saw the client coming out he rushed to where he was but failed so he called him "Mr Maxwell wait " But the man just ignored him and left in a hurry

At the same time singto arrived and he when heard New calling the name and he was shocked as to why New is calling that name but the man went out before either of them could see.

" New what did you say whose name is it? " Singto asked worried New was clueless

" Mr Maxwell he said he wants to meet P Tay but now as soon as P went inside this man came out"

When Singto heard what New said he rushed to the meeting room with New behind, New was confused why is Singto running so fast in a panic.

when they went inside They saw Tay trying hard to breath and Singto rushed to Tay caressing his back telling him to breath on and out.

Tay saw at his right side where New was present and looking at him worried.

But even if they were with him, he couldn't calm down and everything around tay seems blurry to him.
He look at New and Singto one last time and give in to darkness

Singto pov

I saw Tay lifeless in my arms, New was panicking I have to calm down or else the situation will be bad.

"New listen to P naa call your brother tell him to come to hospital let's take him there" I told the panicked kid he looks very scared.

I'm driving and New is with Tay he is holding Tay very tightly if my boy was awake he would have brag about himself how much New loves him.

We reached hospital and the doc told us to wait, I see Krist coming his face looks terrified lee too is with him

" Where is he? Where's Tay? Is he ok? " He started asking me I don't know what to say when I myself is not sure if he is ok or not.

" Doe.. Does h.... he al.... always get att... attack th.. this" We heard a small scared stuttering voice it was then I realised New is with me. We went near him

" Baby New you don't have to worry Tay na he is strong he will be fine he used to get this before maybe something trigged him he will be fine" Krist came to him and hugged his brother who started to cry a lot.

Now something is bothering me a man named 'Maxwell' and Tay's past does it have anything to do with him.

Is he the same Maxwell from 15 years ago who's daughter was rejected by my brother, no no that won't be possible they went hiding after his daughter was treated badly by Tay. And i don't even know how she is now or where they are.

I was deep in my thoughts until lee poked me " What's wrong Singto what's bothering you? "

As expected from lee but what should I say " No Nothing lee it's just that I'm worried about something it's not really that important " I reasoned.

" It looks important to me tho" It was Krist who answered he and New are looking at me New with a blank face, I guess I've got no reasons to hide so I started " New this Maxwell did he meet Tay before this? Any other meeting than now? "

I asked New he looks confused oh yea he joined Tay office two months ago and so many things in his life, so I turned to lee asking him.

"As much as I'm aware of it this is first time someone called Maxwell is met Tay" He said now I suspect this person

" H..... He suddenly ca... came to offi. .... office and said that he urgently have to meet P tay because there was some issue in the agreement " New said and fresh tears poured in

Agreement what agreement? This man is sure suspicious lee said it's the first time he is hearing this name and New is telling the other thing.

" P I..... I w.....was no....not knowing if I..... I knew " He couldn't even finish his sentence he was panicking too much it's not his fault after all

" New it's ok na and it's not your fault baby P should have told you to ask lee, P is sorry na don't cry" I said it was me who should be blamed I didn't take care of my two boys as I should.

After few minutes Doc came out said Tay got some old trauma back which made me and krist worried but he is fine and when he is awake he can go home, it was a relief New looked a bit calm.

Krist told him to go and stay with Tay after new went inside

" Singto something else is bothering you what is it? " Krist asked me " Who is this Maxwell? " Lee fired another question

" I'll tell you about him later , what I want to know is the one who came to meeting is Pan Maxwell or not" I answered lee he didn't look satisfied

" But why do you think he have something to do with Tay New" Krist looks confused

" Don't you remember when we found Tay 15 years ago he said on saying "uncle pa uncle pa" So what I suspect is he is having to do something with this.

Krist suddenly paled and Lee looks confused

" Your right Singto but let's think about this later we are all exhausted and I'm worried for New, he really looks shaken up and i feel he is still blaming himself"

Krist said to me and I myself am worried for the two boys.

We went inside to see New sleeping beside Tay they look so peaceful and innocent,I wonder who are those people who destroyed these innocent kids past.

Done! How was it? Who is this uncle pa is he pan maxwell or someone else?
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