Chapter 7

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New pov

What is happening with me these days?

I've been asking myself everyday, even since I've come to Bangkok my life has changed.

I don't know why I feel like I belong here in this place than my own home town.

Where as I don't even have a memory of coming here before now then why do I feel like this? Too many questions

I even know few roads which lead to which place but how?

I myself have to find answers to my question should I talk to Gun about this maybe I should he is the only one whom I can trust in this city for now.

Today is my first day and I'm so nervous yesterday Gun did tell me how p Tay is how cold he is to his employees

But yesterday after meeting him I felt he is a foolish man what kind of a person he is, who fires people because of small mistakes committed by them? just because he is the owner doesn't mean he cant judge others this is my first impression on him.

But on the other hand I don't know why I felt good meeting him yesterday like I've already found my missing puzzle.

I must admit he do have good looks as Gun said, do he have a girlfriend/boyfriend?

No I guess not, the way P Gun explained me about him I doubt he have one.

I reached the office and the reception lady said that p Tay is expecting me in his cabin huh? But why?

I was a bit nervous I heard about his mood swing what if he fires me before me joining? No no I can't afford to lose this job and go back home after all the difficulties I faced to escape from there

" Nothing gonna happen your just overthinking New you will be fine" I told myself everything will be fine.

Nervously I knocked the door and went inside p Tay looked at me smiling "good morning sir" Tho I was nervous I can't show him that

He greeted me and out of no where he asked me to be his secretary huh? I was taken a back for once

It was opposite of what I was thinking without thinking much I said "yes" he did warn me that I wont get off and the work pressure will be too much, like I care and I really don't want to loose this job.

He asked me to wait outside and what why did I say yes I mean I can search anywhere else if not here then why did I agree to this? And why am I happy thinking about it that I'll be with him during office hours?

After I started working in his company I started to hear about him from other employees how he,how he treats them

They asked me what magic did I do on him that he changed so much they said he stopped firing people and stopped being grumpy

I'm kind a proud of myself  that I changed him

Slowly I started to know him more he is a stupid dumb man but at the same time he is a very lovely person but dont want to show it to others

That is my true impression on him

He always talk about some Singto Krist, I wonder who they are

P Tay his eyes sparkle when he talk about them

I came to know that P off is his friend,P off he when I met him he looked at me weirdly his face was completely shocked as he saw a ghost in front of him😹

I don't know why I feel a bit jealous even without knowing P singtokrist

From the day I came know and work with P Tay I keep on getting those dreams but I cannot see their face looks like some kids and two couple

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