Chapter 6

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Author pov

The next day.........

Tay got up early, after so many days he cooked breakfast for them.

After that he went to his office with his brother humming a song which really surprised Singto

He don't know how many times he wished for this Tay he missed him alot.

Singto's pov

I miss this Tay so much I hope he won't change any more.

This New has really changed my brother just in a week I should thank this boy for what he did.

Since I told Krist last night that I'm going to meet this boy he said he is coming with us.

He want to see who he his I don't know why these two think that New is alive what if he is not.

I just don't want Tay to suffer once again I don't want to put my brothers happiness in stake for something that wont be true in reality

But a part of me want my thinking to be wrong I want that boy to be our new

I miss that boy a lot

He used to come to me with that big tears when Tay used to bully him or snatch his cake from him he used to say 'p sing I ha..hate that he is n..not your bro...ther bu...but a devil's' ahh I wish I could hear that stuttering voice once again

My thought was broken when I heard Tay talking to Krist .

I looked at them When did my he come was I so into my thoughts that I didn't notice damn

"baby you're here"

I said smiling but he kinda looked annoyed and didn't even respond me I looked at Tay

'he is mad at you'

Tay whispered huh why? look at him he is pouting I tried once again

"baby what happened why are you sulking" he didn't respond "babe I'm......" he didn't let me finish

" Don't you dare apologize, I've been calling you for five min but there's no response from you what do you expect me to do" he said pouting he really looks cute.

I could resist his cuteness so I just kissed him without caring that my devil is with us I heard him saying

"people in love stink"

and turned blind not giving us any attention.

When we reached his office he jumped off the car like a happy kid it's been long seeing him this happy

"Look at him he already forgot us" i said

"As if you never used to"

Krist smiled, as we entered the office everyone greeted us we went inside the cabin there's the boy with lee looking at the two of us

"Umm so New these are my p's, Singto and Krist"

Tay introduced us and I have to admit he do look like our new from every angle now I feel he is our New after all?

"Hello p I'm newwiee you can call me new I'm p Tay's secretary" he said smiling how can a person be so identical even his smile matches our boy

Krist who was beside me just went near the boy and hugged him

"Baby New its rea...really yo...u" he said in tears aww my kitty cat, New didn't say anything he just let kit hug him I saw tears streaming in his face too but why? when krist broke the hug.

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