Chapter 21

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Author pov

First day of individual works for the couple, one is very annoyed other is too nervously.

" Should I really come inside I guess I'll be fine with my employees" Tay said to his brother standing in front of the huge building Singto just grabbed his hand and dragged him inside ignoring Tay's protest.

Tay's office is located in the fifth floor he really didn't want to go but he couldn't escape his brother " P I really don't want to go can I and new go back to my company " Tay tried his luck again but "this is your company" Singto said Tay wants to argue but Singto just ignored him

When they reached his office" If you want to meet him his office is 10 min away from here you can go there when ever you want " Singto tried his best to convince his brother

"Is that why you will be always in p krist's office" Tay smirked when he saw his brother blush

"umm enough now go inside and let me finish my work " He pushed tay inside and left in a hurry Tay just laughed looking at his brother running.

Tay called New to check on him, but he did not pick so Tay thought that he might be busy so he didn't go to him back.

After three hours Tay was very bored sitting in his office he literally had nothing to do other than signing 2-3 files, and New too didn't seems to call back him so he decided to go to see New

When he was about to leave he got a call from Mr Zain Tay didn't want to talk to him but he couldn't ignore him too so he picked up

"Hello uncle" He said as soon as he picked " Hello son I'm sorry for yesterday" This surprised Tay this was the last thing he expected from this man

"No no uncle it was my fault I shouldn't have misbehaved to him" Tay did feel guilty after a while he was thinking ways to pursue this man

"so we are fine now? I don't want him being my son be a reasonspoil our relationship" He said

"No no uncle I'll deal with your son some other day you and him are completely different for me" Tay was very much reviled by this

"Son why don't we have dinner together tonight if one you can" He asked Tay was beyond happy

" Yes yes we will" He really want to show him how New actually is and he is not a gold digger.

" Ok then meet me at our usual restaurant " He said hanging up the call

" Are you sure meeting him sir" Joss asked Mr Zain who was smiling after he hanged up, he looked up to where Joss is standing

" Hey why are you standing over there come sit down and eat with me I told you already to make your self home" He was still smiling he gave a fatherly vibe to joss which really shocked him

" Um.. Umm sir I'm just a worker I'm fine with standing " He really don't know what to say after all pan Maxwell did treat all his men as slaves so he didn't expect anything from this man too

" Oh come on your my son now" He forced joss to sit down and gave him food joss felt blessed this is the first time anyone acknowledge his presence

" Boy why did you start working with that mad man? Looking at you you do look good and capable of working something better than this" Zain said and Joss face paled he was hesitating to answer

"It's fine son after all you met me two days ago how can you trust me so easily "

Zain did understand the world where they live love, trust doesn't matter it is considered as weak he himself used to hate showing love to anyone or trusting others until he met Tay 10 years ago
Joss did hesitate to open up but he musted up courage

" Sir why did you say yesterday that it would be better if boss killed both taynew" He asked something that was eating him from yesterday

Zain looked at him and smiled " Don't you think it's better to die once than to die everyday?" He said to joss he had a pain expression " And i want you to call me dad father papa whatever you choose" He laughed seeing joss's confused face "Why sir" He asked "I just want to have that feel of being a parent" Joss looked at him again "But Tay treats you as his father if I'm not wrong" Joss said unconsciously to which Zain just laughed "Yes he does but his father hates me" He said with a sad smile and Joss who was beaming in happiness he was happy to have someone who treats him as his son

But his boss taught him never to trust others even the closed one can stab you without you knowing about it

"I know that you don't trust me because yes that's something which we should not do even I was like that until I met Tay" He said smiling Joss was really surprised

"As his parents say he really is a sunshine look he changed me completely" He said staring down

" You know I was never like this, I used to hate people and especially the Vihokratana's I had assumed that they cheated on my brother's business and became rich but it was because of something

But in past me and Pan had the same motive that was to destroy what they have I'll tell you the reason some other day so I went there to destroy them, that was when I met Tay he looked lifeless his eyes were lost actually I wanted to take advantage of him so I started to be close to him but as started to be with him he changed me slowly which was out of my initial plan and more than his parents he started to hang with me, he used to come and tell small small achievements he did, but he never was happy he looked sad slowly I don't know how he changed me completely without me know about it and that family is actually good" He said  Joss didn't know what to say

"But sir.. I mean dad why are you still with him if boss comes to know about this he won't spare you and why tay's dad don't like you? Your a good man" Joss really looked worried for his fake dad "Son nothing will happen to me I have my men protecting me and why I'm with Tay I want to protect him from Pan and the reason why tay's dad hate me because he knows all my wrong doing and he don't want his son to hang out with me. He is right tho after all who wants their kids to get bad influence" Zain said with a sad face and Joss couldn't help but be proud of this man in front of him.

It was then joss said that his sister and his best friend is abduct by Pan Maxwell if he won't listen to him he will hurt them or worst kill them, Mr zain assured that he will save his friend and sister but nothing comes in free in return joss have to give Mr Zain all the information relating Mr Maxwell.

They finished their lunch and Zain had a meeting with someone so he left Joss was alone in the house, he took of his wallet " I will free you guys soon I found a man who can help us " He said to the photo in his wallet.

Was it boring? Ik this chapter sucks I don't even know myself why I added two more character who are not at all related! I hope this shows how bad Mr Maxwell is! 😅
I need some suggestions about how should I end this story oh yea do vote and comment 😁

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