chapter 23

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Author pov

Tay was completely shocked thanks to off who hold him before he fell down, off took the phone from Tay's and and answered seeing that Tay unable to talk

" Sorry who's this on the other side of the line? " He asked the other person

"Hello sir are you relative of Mr Newwiee? He met with a accident and is in hospital now don't worry he just got a minor injury" Off was taken back once but recovered as soon as he heard it's a minor injury

He thanked the person and asked her from which hospital she is calling

after he ended the call he looked at his friend who looks miserable " Tay" He called me slowly as he know Tay might get panic attack

" Tay he is fine, he just got minor injuries" Off started but Tay has turned deaf he kept on mumbling that he deserves to be sad he have no right to be happy.

Off can't see his friend like this "TAY LISTEN TO ME NEW IS FINE NOTHING HAPPENED TO HIM" He shouted on his face Tay just blinked at him as he came back to his senses

"Tay he is fine, he just got minor injuries" Off told him and Tay stood up "let's go what are do doing still here New needs us come on" He said Off just sighed he messaged Singto he wants to meet him soon.

At the hospital....
Tay was inside the room lecturing New for what happened

"New how did you get these injuries as much as I remember I dropped you to your office today" Tay was complaining

" PTay I.... " Tay cut him off "Why do you do all the work by your self for God sake your the boss" Tay said he is really pissed seeing a white bandage covering New's head "p te.. " 

"No p Te, you are injured you take rest I have some work I'll come in 2 hours" New was once again cut off by his tay

"P I..... " " Shuuu how much will be talk even when your injured" Said Tay tugging new to his bed he kissed his forehead said bye and left the hospital this is because he couldn't see his New in hospital bed like that, he wanted some fresh air.

"What was that? He came in like a strom and disappeared like that, he didn't even see that I'm here" Said krist who was standing side of the bed

" Even I don't know p😹 he sure is a busy person, he didn't even hear me I wanted to tell him I've gained my memories of what happened up there" New said

"YOU REMEMBER" A new voice joined them it was Singto who entred with offgun came to check on New.

"New how are you? " Singto asked as he settled down " I'm fine p" New said smiling at singto and others

" But how did this even happen where were you looking? " Off asked him "well p actually I wanted to buy cake for me so I went to the cake shop near our office and suddenly out of nowhere a car came and hit me" New explained his accident to them

" I knew it, this was all planned" Off said loudly without realising that others were looking at him

"What do you mean papii you knew this will happen" Gun asked "what is that you wanted to talk about off you texted me" Singto said

"What happened p off" New said seeing off hesitate "oh guys by the way this accident helped me" He continued which made everyone look at him

" How did it help infact you got scolding from your darling p Tay" Krist teased making everyone laugh "No p how it's helpful because as I told you I remember my past" New said

"New did something happen with Tay then?" Off asked suddenly "What do you mean off? Don't speak in riddles" Krist said confused

"The thing is I went to talk to Tay he was sulking as usual, after a while he got a threatening text but he said to ignore it and after a while we got a call new met with a accident. And There was this strange behavior he kept on saying it's his fault he don't deserve to be happy and stuff"off said the whole incident it made singto sad, his brother deserves every happiness in the world

"so I asked you did something happen? " Singto was bought back by off's voice

"New baby it's ok if you can't remember don't stress yourself" Worried krist said New just smiled

" No p as much as I remember me and p Tay fought like always and I was mad at him, I went to other side to teach him a lesson and yes there was Mr Maxwell he was the one who pushed me down " New said while shivering seeing his scared face others didn't go to force him much

"Take some rest baby boy" Singto said patting his head " P my hair" New complained

Gun stayed with him others went outside "p gun won't you ask me anything? " New asked him

"No what I want to know is what did Mr Maxwell had to do anything with you and Tay and this name.. " Gun said he did here this name somewhere but he can't point out where "Forget it for now let's chit chat" Gun said he didn't want to think about it now it will just be a headache.

In Maxwell mansion
"Dad dad what are you doing I need him then why is he still with that New" Said namtan to her dad
"Calm down baby he will be now it's really good time to visit them and Tay will be shocked I would love to see his face👿" The father said
"Your sure? " She asked again "why not you asked for something have I ever said no to anything" He said smirking

Small chapter I've not edited this one if there are mistakes don't mind it😅
Actually I want to finish this by 25 chapters so let's see how long it will go 😆

Why do you think Tay said he don't deserve to be happy

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