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“You've got no reason to be afraid”

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“You've got no reason to be afraid”


Maggie had stupidly let her guard down and let herself enjoy the illusion she lived in. Enjoying being a child and being a sister. Her days filled with the normalcy like school, friends, playing till the sun would rest heavy in the sky with the local neighbrohood kids, and being around her new sisters. It was her blissful paradise away from the daunting cold and sterile halls of the Red Room Academy. 

Days and months passing by the small family of five in utter contentment, Melina having been pointed the title of mom or momma by the three girls and Alexei being fondly called dad by them as well, everyone in the time that passed choosing to live in teh moment than face the truth around them. Enjoying their constructed lie and bliss with ease. Maggie in the two years was able to forget that she was technically an agent of the Academy and that this world around her was nothing but fake, instead finding peace in her juice cups and candy coated days of bliss. 

In the time of their second year of being a family, she could remember one day that stood out amongst the rest in the collection of her memory. The day she and Natalia decided to cut and dye her hair. 

She could remember Natalia one day after their summer break had started, had come home with a large bag in her hands and mischievous spark in her eyes. A look she had long learned, meant nothing good. 

Maggie, being the second eldest, had been left alone at home with Yelena as their parents had gone out to do some errands and thus leaving the girl in charge of everything till they returned or until Natalia would return from playing with the neighborhood kids. The two youngest girls had in that time, been playing with the pony dolls that Yelena loved so much and watching cartoons, when Natalia had arrived home with excitement. Rushing into the livingroom with a bag in hand. 

Curious about the object in her hand, Maggied asked, “What is in the bag?”

Natalia sat the large bad down on the colouring book and pony strewn table, her smirk of mischeviousness never leaving her face. “The bag, is filled with things to change my hair and make it even more awesome than it already it is. I got the idea from one the kids in the neighborhood.”

 ⧗𝚁𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙸𝙳𝙾𝚆⧗ - 𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙴𝚂( 𝙾𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕)Where stories live. Discover now