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“I waited ages to see you there”


as she stared at the now older face of the girl she had once thought of as a younger sister, a flurry of emotions crashed through her.She felt frozen by them as she stared at the now older looking girl, taking in every detail and trying to place the child she once knew.

Trying to find her Lena, the one who loved Mac n Cheese, who was obsessed with my little pony, and wanted to do everything with her big sisers. That little girl who once held nothing but stars in her eyes. 

“Lena,” her voice was shaky and heavy as she tried to hold back tears.“Is that really you?”

“Hi Maggie.” she whispered, her own green eyes wet with tears. “Miss me?”

Without even thinking or caring how much physical pain it brought her, Maggie sat up and brought the younger girl into a tight hug.

Her hands holding the rough material of her widow suit, tightly in her hands. Tears streaming down her face as she held onto her sister with everything she had in her, feeling like if she let go of her then she would wake up and find herself back in her cold cell. 

Pulling back she cupped Lena’s face in hands, seeing the tears that ran unabashedly down her face and onto her hands. A happy and tender smile on Maggie’s lips as she stared at her younger sister. 

“You’re all grown up,” she laughed out wetly, causing the other widow to laugh as well but it came off more as a hiccup than anything else. “Little Yelena.”

Her smile became bitter sweet, “Not so little anymore.”

Yelena nodded, “Yeah, and you got old.”

Maggie laughed. “I guess that's what happens, you know. It’s a thing called aging. Can’t really stop it.”

Yelena smiled warmly at her, fondness in her eyes. “I see you haven’t lost your penchantents for sarcasm either.” 

Any other words that either one could have said was muted from the grunt of pain Maggie felt leaving her lips as she had been sitting up for so long had finally run out as waves stinging pain went up from her leg to her hips and her back. 

Yelena noticed this and was quick to push her back down to lay down, “You need to rest, you’re not fully healed yet.”

Maggie didn’t argue with her on that, but she was curious as to why her leg was injured as the moments she remembered the only injuries she had were from the beating she had endured from Dreykov and his men. 

“How-How did my leg get- ah!” she hissed as Yelena began to unwrap the bandages on her leg, the sensation making the pain in her leg worsen.

“How did my-leg get-hurt!”

Yelena from the small side table next to the bed Maggie laid on, grabbed some clean bandages and medication to clean her wounds. 

“We need to get your tracker out and the only way to is to well…” she motioned to the visibly healing wound on her leg, where in fact her tracker would have been located.

Maggie huffed, “How-ah-lovely!” she gritted when she felt Yelena begin to clean her leg. 

She didn’t speak much during that as the pain of Yelena cleaning her wound was enough to make her want to scream, biting her lips she tried to focus on something other than agony she felt. Like where she was and how exactly were they all able to escape or if the Red Room knew they had and where looking for them now. 

Her mind thought of endless questions she wanted to ask her younger sister, but when her mind went to a certain blue eyed man all she could then think about.

The memories of seeing him last blurred in her mind, yet she couldn’t forget how sad he looked when she asked him to come with them.

How in that moment she just wanted to hug him and say he could be happy with her, that she didn’t have to be the only one to have the chance of happiness. 

“All done,”Yelena said, breaking her from her thinking. 

Coming to sit again beside her, Yelena held to her some pain medication and a bottle of water she had found somewhere in the room.

Maggie thanked her as she took both and quickly drowned the pill down, laying back down with a sigh as she began to feel the effects of the medicine go into effect. 

Yelena instead of moving away from her, sat back down beside her. Eyes full of familiar warmth and happiness as she looked down at her.

“Feeling better?” 

Maggie felt her lips twitch up into a half smile, “You could say that.” 

She looked around the room and saw they were indeed a room but it looked worn down, like it hadn’t been lived in a long time. In the distance she could hear the soft sound of people walking talking and cars, an indicator that they were in a populated area of some where, but where that was what Maggie wanted to know. 

“Where are we and where is Natalia?” she finally asked. 

Yelena played with her fingers, “We’re in Budapest, in a safe house.” she said in a soft voice. 

“And Natalia?” 

Yelena sighed, “She is doing what she promised us.” 

Maggie felt her brow raise at that, remembering a lot of things Natalia had promised the two girls over the years.

"That is?”

Yelena smirked, “Keeping us safe.”

°•☆•°Author's Note°•☆•°~

IT'S YELENA!!!! I love Yelena so much, she is one of my favorite characters!!!! I really wanted her to escape with Nat and Maggie and have more sister time.

We will be getting alot of sister bonding in this part of the story, and as much Bucky time. But don't fret we will get Bucky in future chapters, it's just a part of the story focusing more on Maggie working towards becoming the Red Widow.

Thank you guys for all the votes and feedback, I love hearing from you guys. It always makes my day.

Feedback is always welcomed here.

Read, comment, and vote, thank you.

Please stay safe and thank you.

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