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"Bad idea, right?"


any pleasantries for the young widow when he moved to strike her, his metal hand rushing to grab her by the arm. Maggie sidestepped him as much as the little space could allow her to do so and slipping her arm under his that had tried to grab her, she rammed her whole body into his and flipped him over her shoulder.

When he was down, Maggie tried to rush to the open paneling of the elevator only to be stopped when she felt a painful sensation grow through her scalp. Turning her head as far back as she could she saw the Soldat had a tight grip on her hair, pulling her back towards him.

Turning around even in the painful grasp he had her in, Maggie balled her right fist and punched him in the middle space between his throat and chest. Hearing a grunt of pain come from him at her blow towards him, yet he didn't loosen his grip on her.

"H-Ha-Hair pulling....not...fair!" she hissed as the pain grew with his tightening grip.

When it appeared that he wasn't going to loosen his hold on her, she moved to jam her first down on his elbow. She repeated this notion as much as she could before he used his other hand to capture her free arm.

"Stop! You won't win" he growled at her, pulling on her hair to force her to meet his gaze.

Maggie felt her blood boil and her anger fill her at his cold callus words, her dark eyes becoming just as cold as his were. Years of men alike telling her those same words, putting her down because of their own frail egos. Glaring and pinning him right where he stood, Maggie felt her lips pulling back a furious curl.

"Against you? I think I like my chances." she said before she stepped down on his foot and kneed him in the stomach, before knocking her head-butting him.

The soldat hissed and groaned from the sharp burning pain of her dual hits, his grip on her weaking enough for Maggie to release herself from his hold. Maggie then brought her foot up and kicked him back harshly back into the elevator walls, causing the shaft to shake from the impact.

 ⧗𝚁𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙸𝙳𝙾𝚆⧗ - 𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙴𝚂( 𝙾𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕)Where stories live. Discover now