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Bye-bye Miss American Pie”


biting as they brushed against the bare parts of her. Making her cheeks flush and eyes water, body slightly shivered from the lower temperature that surrounded her.

Though Maggie did her best to ignore it, to put away her own complaints in favor of being more focused on the important parts to her.

Like the fact any moment she was bound to be kidnapped and taken to some evil lair of sorts that was probably hidden underneath the meeting point between the Red Room and Hydra.

And that she had to endure a waiting game of sorts till that happened, a mix of boredom and anxiety over taking her as her legs swung over the ledge of a random building she had perched herself on.

Each swing of her legs maked her more aware of her actions, of her movements. Of the small weight of the tiny glowing metal ball that had been her tracker, tucked away in one of the pockets of her tactical pants.

No doubt thrumming and pulsating out her location to whatever Black Widow or even the Soldat of her location.

A tiny smirk did play at her lips when she thought of who else was receiving the signal of her location, a bit of smugness brewing inside of her.


"I've altered this so that when you do get captured, we will know where they are taking you."

Natalia held out her palm, showing off the familiar iron ball that was her former tracker glaring back up at her. Maggie took it without question as Yelena hooked up her batons on her back and Natalia tightend her side holsters.

"What if they see you've messed with their tech? What then?" she questioned.

Natalia snorted, "Yee of little faith, dear sister."

She pulled out a sleek pad from the table beside them, Maggie didn't miss the imprinted image of S.H.I.E.L.D on the back of the metal slate like device. Turning it around she showed her the screen of the pad where numbers and other bits of data were shown, a confident smirk on her lips.

"I would love to see them get past my firewall," she boasted. "Don't worry, everything is going to go according to plan."

Maggie wanted to believe that, she really did, but that didn't stop the nagging feeling that something was bound to go wrong. That all in the snap of a moment she would black out and wake up chained in a dark and cold cell once again.

She swallowed that fear in the favor of looking brave, of trying to be strong like Natalia was. Though just as she was great at telling when her sister was lying or putting up a front, the same could be said for Natalia.

The redhead stalked over to her, cupping her face softly with her scared hands and gently making her look back at her. A serious but promising look on her frighteningly beautiful features as her aquamarine eyes bore into her absidine ones.

"Everything will go according to plan," she whispered, her voice thin like a knife's edge.

Maggie gave her a bittersweet smile, "You don't know that Natalia, you can't control the future."

"No, but do you know what gives me hope that all of this will work out?"

"What?" Maggie humored her.


She pulled back and the look of hope and admiration in her eyes shined along with unfallen tears, "I have no doubt that this plan will work out because of you Maggie, because of your resilience and strength. Because you don't give up and you never have."

Maggie cracked a watery but flattered smile, her hands not wasting a second before pulling the older girl into a tight embrace. Pressing her face tightly into the crook of her neck and breathing deeply in as to control the tears that threaten to fall.

Natalia hugged her just as tightly back.

"You know how much I love a good fight, verbal or physical." she joked, as she pulled back from their embrace. Wiping away the few tears that had fallen against her wishes and she noticed Natalia doing the same.

Natalia laughed, "Yeah I know, sometimes I wondered how you just didn't cave in?"

"Because I could do it all day, I was made to be a weapon and weapons don't break."

Natalia swallowed and the humor was gone just as briefly as it had come and Maggie knew that it was coming, the goodbye. The part that both had been pushing off as much they could, but sooner now then later and have missed their window of opportunity.

"I want you to know Maggie....That if...if the mission doesn't work out and this be the last time we see each other.....that I love you." She breathed out.

"I love you and I couldn't have asked for a better middle sister in the whole world." Natalia said firmly. "But most of all a greater friend."

Maggie smiled and she knew now that the tears that she had worked so hard to keep from falling, now ran unabashedly down her cheeks and staining her tac gear. She laughed with happiness, with sadness, but most of all with love.

"I love you too, sestra."

Author's Note-

Ahhhhh I love Nat and Maggie's sister-ship so much!!!!

I hope you guys are excited because let me tell you we will be getting more Bucky soon!!!! Our favorite Tin Man and 100 year old super solider!

It warms my heart that you guys like my story as Maggie is a special character to me and her story. So thank you for all the feedback and votes!!!!

Also would guys like to a see a Playlist of sorts to what I imagine the back ground music would be if Maggie was in the MCU? Let me know?

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

What are some of the ship names you guys have in mind for Maggie and Bucky? Let me know in the comments.

Remember to read, comment, and vote. But more importantly to just enjoy the Story!

Stay safe and thank you!

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