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The Descent”


of amusement and newfound fondness was none other than Clint, a person she never in her life would have thought to have been more happy to have seen or admit to saying that. 

“Clint…how…how did you get down here and pass the guards?” Maggie gaped at him, backing away to allow him to pull away the awful medical garments he had been wearing. 

Clint grinned as he yanked away the scrubs revealing his dark plum colored tac gear, “I did it like any other super spy would, I lied my ass off….and maybe knocked out a few guards on my way but mostly lied and snuck around.”

Maggie beside herself, smiled slightly at the humorous tone in his voice and words. “Kinda figured, but I was hoping for, oh, I don’t know, a more in depth answer. Smart-ass.”

Clint shrugged, “I could give you the details right now or we can get this mission done and over with, and end the day as us being officially co-workers.”

Maggie nodded begrudgingly knowing that now wasn’t the time for details, “So what is the plan? Still the same as we formatted beforehand?” 

She didn’t know if he had meant too, but Maggie noticed a difference in his stance and a slight furrow of his brows when she asked him this.

Though when he noticed her watching him, he was quick to change back into his carefree air that she in the time she had known him seemed to carry around with him. 

That alone set off a warning in Maggie’s mind, ‘He’s lying.’ she thought to herself as she noticed that while he hid his little bodily slip up. She still knew deep in her heart that he was hiding something from her, but for now she knew it wasn’t the time to bring it up. Not when so much was at stake. 

“Yes,” he answered as he looked around the room and walking to a secured cabinet of sorts pulled out a pile of weapons and cloth that she knew to be her compartment belt, batons pack, and most of her weapons in general. 

Clint was quick to hand them to her and Maggie didn’t hesitate to put them back on, securing her pack and widow gauntlets to her wrist. Checking them before she turned them on, their red glow washing over her face in the poorly lit room.

“Nat and I were able after you were taken, use that small window of opportunity to rig the bombs in the upper and lower floors of the building." Clint said.

"We have them connected to the main electrical server here in the eastern part of the upper basement level.” he explained as he took out from his pocket a small com pad, showing her a map of their location. 

She could see where he and Nat had set up the bomb rigs, seeing where one of the main collections seemed to be located and that it was a few floors above them as it looked that they were deep in the lower levels. That is if what the two red dots she guessed representing them was to tell her. 

“So then what? You and I split up, you take the upper section and I take the rest of the lower level?” she suggested with a raised brow. 

Clint pulled the pad back and placed it back in his pocket, taking out a gun of his own and checking it before stashing it in the thigh holster he had on him. 

“Sounds about right unless you have a different suggestion.”

She shook her head lightly, “Where are Nat and Yelena in all of this?”

“Nat and Yelena are on look out for HYDRA vehicles and personnel, so right now they are our eyes and ears and if need be our back up.That is if things don’t go to plan and hopefully that won’t happen.” he said pensively.  

It reassured her somewhat that somewhere nearby her sisters were on standby, that they had her back in all of this. Clint walked over to one of the fallen doctors and yanking from their neck, he pulled away what looked like a key card. 

Swiping the card into the reader, the doors opened for them and revealed a long dimly lit hallway before them. He turned towards her with a smirk on his lips, which Maggie returned back. 

“Ready to give them hell?”

Author's Note~

Oooooh it begins!!!!!

Hi guys!!!!!! We are getting closer to ACT THREE!!!!!

AHHHHHH!!!!!! So excited!!! And we will be getting more Bucky scenes so look forward to that!!!

Hope you enjoy this chapter!!!! And guys oh my goodness thank you so much for the votes and more importantly the support!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭 It means so much to me, thank you!!!!!

Remember to read, comment, and vote. Though the most important thing to do is just enjoy the story!!! Feedback as always is very much welcomed here!

Stay safe and thank you!

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