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From far away, I wish I'd stay with you.”


all she could vaguely remember was the feeling of the Soldat holding her in arms as he ran alongside with Natalia to the exit of the building. In the far distant Maggie could hear the sound of an all terrain truck waiting for them. 

As they rushed outside, behind them, Maggie heard the sound of the building crumbling and the sirens of the alarms getting louder.

Smoke was heavy in the air and looking over his shoulder, she could see the building that had been the east building of the Red Room up in flames and even in her delirious state, she couldn’t help but smirk. 

“Where are we going?” she asked her sister, her voice was slurred. 

Natalia gave her a confident smirk, “Somewhere far away, far far away. A safe place for us.”

“Where?” Maggie felt the words slip from her mouth, but couldn’t remember them leaving. 

Natalia gave her a little smile, “You'll see soon.”

With the help of both of them, they were able to place a now fading Maggie in the backseat of the truck, not even seeing the glint of blonde hair that sat in the passenger seat.

The Soldat placed her down gently in the seat, his eyes soft as he brushed away a strand of hair from her cheek. 

Maggie with bleary eyes peered up at him, her hand reaching out to grasp his. With her fading consciousness she tried to reason with him.

“Come…..with…us….” her voice sounded so distant to her. 

He shook his head, “I can’t, they will know if I escaped and hunt me down.” 

She held onto him tighter, “You can be….different….You can be happy…come with us…” she begged. 

He shook his head, "No, I can't." the soldat gave her a little smile. "But you can."

The soldat, with a gentle hand, took her hand that held onto him tightly away from him as Natalia got inside from the other side of the truck and started it up. He shut the door on her side, a bittersweet look rested on his face. 

“You have to go,” he whispered. His eyes taking one last look at her, as if this was truly the last time he would see her and maybe it would be.

“Be happy for us both.”

She didn’t know why his words hurt so much, why they sound so very somber in her ears. She didn’t even truly understand why she felt hurt at his decline to come with her, why in the short months they had known each other that she felt so….connected to him. 

Maybe it was because he knew what she truly went through, what being a tool was like. Or maybe, just maybe it was something deeper….something she had only felt in those brief moments in passing. 


A sad smile played on his features and for a moment she thought of a tinged and old photograph, a charming man looking back at her.

She knew even if right now in her delirious mindset and fading in and out, she would remember this moment for the rest of her life. 

As she felt her eyes grow heavier and the sounds around her was growing fuzzy, despite her struggle too keep awake. She could remember before she faded into a deep slumber the soft sound of his voice speaking.

But as her eyelids fell, to her it felt more like a dream. 

"Goodbye, Maggie."

°•☆•°Author's Note°•☆•°~


I am so excited to start part two, where things get so interesting!!

We will be seeing familiar faces and new faces, and more to come!!!!

We will be also be seeing super spy Maggie, and possibly having some new friendships made as well!!!!

Thank you guys for the votes and feedback, I love hearing from you guys.

Read, comment, and vote.

Stay safe and thank you!!!

 ⧗𝚁𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙸𝙳𝙾𝚆⧗ - 𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙴𝚂( 𝙾𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕)Where stories live. Discover now