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I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife”


She had learned that early in life, the need and feeling to be doing any and everything all the time. Unused energy thrumming in her veins and bones, making it hard to ignore it as it felt she buzzed with growing and raging energy. 

More than once she had been scolded or punished by the Red Room for not being patient, for not being still and reserved like the pillars of perfection they wanted. After a while to avoid being hit or punished without food, she just learned to hide her impatient nature and be still.

Though she couldn’t help it if she needed to go and do everything stumbled out in her sarcastic nature and made her talk a mile a minute, but it's better than having her twitching leg during formations get whacked with a wooden dancer staff. 

Maggie even with the years of dislapin and stone-like focus she had acquired to do her job well, she couldn’t help but grow frustrated and impatient as she waited for anything or anyone to show up and kidnap her. 

For hours she sat on the most uncomfortable ledge and did everything she could think of to pass the time. Counting cars, people, more cars, and then clouds; which to her felt like a real low point in the whole of the mission.

But she did it, even when she had the urge to move around or leave, she didn’t. Instead she gritted out her annoyance and sat there and counted the slow and lazy moving clouds. 

She did wonder after a while if anyone would show or if just on the off chance they had missed their shot. Maggie though like a radio to frequency felt those worries quench when she felt it, his presence. 

Maggie was sure that no matter where, no matter what, she would always be able to feel him. Like a radio to a station, she would be attuned to his presences and she knew for him it would be the same for her. 

 ⧗𝚁𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙸𝙳𝙾𝚆⧗ - 𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙴𝚂( 𝙾𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕)Where stories live. Discover now