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at least not at first. She didn’t fight when the doctors descended on her after Dreykov left her alone with them, so used to having learned to not resist their whims and cold touches.

That didn’t stop her from trying though to thinking and looking for a way out, for a way to escape. 

I will not be someone’s tool, not again. I will not be subjected to someone’s will, not again.’ she repeated over and over in her mind.

Freverently, Maggie began looking around as to try and formulate an escape plan of sorts to continue the mission. To end this wheel of chaos once and for all. 

She found that they were in a concrete room, with poor lighting hence the need for the medical lamps that loomed over her with their glaring lights. There were only two ventilation vents, both on either side of the room and said room itself was small in nature.

Everything about the set up seemed crude and quickly put together, which then itself told Maggie this had been a short minute set up. That room was not originally meant to be used as a medical facility.

The pressure of the air in the room also told Maggie that they were somewhere in a lower level of whatever building they had taken her to, along with the fact there were no windows anywhere or faint sounds of civilizations.  

Watching the doctors, she counted three that worked aimlessly around her as they began the process of setting up the injection process. She knew it would be pointless to try and fight against the restraints on her as they would no doubt be reinforced just because of her enhanced nature.

Yet Maggie just to be sure, tugged and struggled against the binds that held her down onto the medical table. 

Prekrati eto.” one of the doctors ordered her. 

She rolled her eyes but stopped, seeing as there would be no point in fighting against the reinforced binds. Instead she was still and silent as she watched the doctors, looking for something or anything that could be of use. She saw that not that far away, a scalpel that rested on the small tray beside her and began trying to figure out how she could get her hands on it. 

One of the doctors came walking towards her, with a syringe full of clear looking liquid inside. Maggie watched and observed the tall figure, seeing the white paper mask that covered their features, the medical garments they wore along with rubber gloves.

They wouldn’t have stood out as suspicious to anyone else in the room, but to Maggie there was something off about them and it only increased when they came to a stop by her side.

The doctor moved as if he was going to inject her with what she guessed to be the sedative, only they never did. They leaned over Maggie as if to check something on her person, their eyes slowly dragging up from her form to meet her cold and closed off eyes. 

It was a brief flash of movement, but she was sure she had seen it. The doctor winked. Maggie was sure of it but before she could even question it or rip into him she felt something cold press into her restricted palm.

Looking down as best as she could, she saw that now resting in her palm was none other than the scalpel that she had been eyeing earlier. Quickly looking back up towards the doctor with unhidden shock, she saw an almost amused look in their eyes. Those same eyes seemed almost felt familiar to her. 

My gotovy.” one of the other doctors said, coming to stand by the medical table. 

Moving to start the injection process, Maggie watched with shock and confusion as the doctor that handed her the scalpel grabbed the doctor by the back of the neck and slammed their head down on the edge of the metal medical table. Causing chaos to ensure in the small makeshift medical room. 

Though she didn’t take too much time to think on this as she used her scalpel to cut away the binds that held her down, freeing herself as the mysterious person posing as a doctor fought the other real one in the room. Who had stopped in their other task in order to stop them from helping her escape. 

The person swung low towards the inexperienced doctor, hitting them repeatedly in the ribs as they had previously caught their upper arm that had tried to punch them.

She jumped from the table, and rushing towards them she flipped the scalpel in mid air before taking the width of the handle and throwing towards the doctor. Hitting them and causing them to crumple to pile on the floor.

Maggie, breathing heavily from the mix of fear and adrenaline of the whole ordeal, turned towards the mysterious person.

Bringing her foot up and pushing them against the wall, a groan coming from their mouth which was heightened when she pressed her arm against their throat.

“Who are you?” she growled out. Not completely trusting the person, even though they had helped her. Years of her training, of where she grew up, and life itself had taught  her that. 

The person laughed, hands moving slowly to pull down the paper mask and revealing a familiar grinning face staring back at her. Growingly amused eyes framed by dusty blonde lashes meeting slowly relieved brown ones. 

“I’m hurt, Bug. I thought you would have recognised it was me.”

Author's Note-

OMG guys we are so close to the end of ACT TWO!!!!!!!! And to Maggie being one step closer to joining the MCU films tooo!!!!!

Anyways I was listening to the Black Widow movie album and I honestly think the song titled Last Love would be the perfect song for young Maggie like how Nat has her lullaby. So if you guys wanted to know what I imagine young Maggie's theme song would be, it be that song from the album.

Also don't worry we are most definitely going to be getting some more Bucky scenes and maybe something written in his point of view. That is if you guys would like that?

Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, and I hope you like what I have planned for the next couple of movies!!!!

Thank you guys for all the feedback and votes!!!! I can't tell you how happy they make me and reassure me that you do enjoy the Story. So thank you!!!!!!

Remember to read, comment, and vote. Though the most important thing is to just enjoy the Story.

Stay safe and thank you!!!!!!!!

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