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‘I can't wait to break the machine'


that the two must have thought she would have had seeing the S.H.I.E.L.D agent, she didn’t think her laughing was one of them. A curious expression crossed the face of Clint as he stared at her with perplexed eyes. 

Maggie turned to her sister with an incredulous expression, “Really, Nat? Out of all the people in the world, you went with Robin Hood.”

“Ah I’ve missed you too, bug.” Clint replied back with a sarcastic expression. 

Maggie rolled her eyes at his remark, her eyes turning into an unamused glare as she stared at the agent.

He just chuckled at her unhappy expression, “Not happy to see me, Bug? Can’t say the same for you.”

“I am feeling a lot of things, but I don’t think happy is one of them. Indifferent or rather I should say annoyed. But happy, no.” she snarked. 

“Maggie,” Natalia warned, although she held her own amused look. “Play nice and lower the gun away from Agent Clint.”

She didn’t care if she was being immature, she scoffed and huffed at her sister’s words yet she did what she asked.

Lowering the gun, Maggie gave the agent one last glare before she turned away back to her sister with a raised brow aimed at her. 

“Nat, can you please explain to me what the hell is going on? Because I am starting to get more and more confused." Maggie said.

"One minute I am moments away from being a brooding mare for the Red Room as you had put it so nicely and then the next thing I know I wake up in some old building with our younger sister who I thought was long gone, standing in there with me, who then tells me that you are going to protect us.”

Nat sighed heavily, “I know you must be very confused-”

“No shit! I am confused, Natalia! I have no idea what in the hell is going on and why there is a S.H.I.E.L.D agent in the same room as us and hasn’t already arrested us.” Maggie all but shouted, her confusion and frustration getting the best of her. 

“But I can explain everything if you just let me.” Natalia said with her own pointed look, that oddly reminded her that one a parent would have.

Maggie felt a moment’s embarrassment and looked away from the knowing gaze of her older sister, giving her a little nod as to tell her to continue.

“A few months back before I escaped the Red Room, I was given a rather unusual….note.” Natalia began to say, her red brows furrowed in thought. “It told me to be ready, that S.H.I.E.L.D was waiting for us. That they would be in Istanbul waiting. ”

Maggie looked at her confusedly, “Who sent the note? Barton?” 

Natalia shook her head, wisp of red hair that wasn’t pulled back brushing against her face. “No, after I met him I asked him if he was the one to send the note. He said no.”

“Then how did the note know that S.H.I.E.L.D would be waiting for you or us?”

Her sister shrugged, “That I don’t know the answer to and neither does Clint as he said that S.H.I.E.L.D was given the information from an informant that has close ties to the Red Room, and each time I’ve tried to ask they wouldn’t tell. Either because they don’t trust me or because they know I will know who it is.”

Maggie nodded, “Okay, then what does this have to do with taking me and finding Yelena? With bringing us here and working with S.H.I.E.L.D?”

“Do you remember asking me if I thought we could be different?” she asked her. 


“This is me making sure we get to be different, Mags.” Nat told her. “When I went on my mission I was tracked down by S.H.I.E.L.D, they sent Clint after me to take me down.”

“Why didn’t he?” Maggie asked her. “Why didn’t Robin Hood take the shot?”

Natalia gave her little smile, a very sad one. “He saw what everyone else does, in not only me, but in you and in Yelena.”

“And that is?”

“We don’t want to be tools.” Natalia said.

°•☆•°Author's Note°•☆•°~

Hi guys, I'm so excited for you guys to see the start of the Budapest mission. And this chapter is just the start to showing how Maggie and Yelena are going to be apart of the MCU storyline!!!!!

Thank you guys for all the votes!!!

And don't worry we will be getting Bucky scenes soon.....

Read, comment, and vote. Feedback is always welcomed here.

Stay safe and thank you.

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