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“Are you ready for it”


ends of the couch she sat on, her mind by now a jumbled mess. She really didn’t know what to think or how to feel with all of this new information.

She was so deep in thought that she had hardly noticed Clint leaving the room or that in the doorway watching everything with hooded eyes was Yelena. 

“That still doesn’t explain why we are here, and what S.H.I.E.L.D has to do with us having a new life?” she said, her eyes not looking at her sister’s motherly gaze.

Instead she focused on a crack in the wall, where the wallpaper had peeled away to reveal it. 

“After Clint offered me a truce, he explained to me how not only I was being offered to de facto to their side,"  Natalia said.

"But he told me that months beforehand he had offered you to de facto as well.” Natalia explained. 

She thought of the memory of that mission, his words ‘You can be different’ still rung in her head like a bell. She wanted to be different, she didn’t want to be a tool of the red room anymore, but never had she thought that would be a possibility for her. 

“So you took their offer and here we are.” Maggie said, her dark inky eyes finally looking up to meet her sister’s endless blue ones. “You are now a S.H.I.E.L.D agent then? I hope you at least will keep your sense of humor, I have found that they don’t have much of one.”

Natalia laughed, “No, I’m not an agent yet. There is still one last thing I need to do before we can become one.”

Maggie felt her eyes widen when she heard the ‘We’ part.

“I’m sorry did you just say we? I don’t remember agreeing to join S.H.I.E.L.D.” Maggie said looking at Natalia with wide eyes.

“When I joined, I joined on the pretense that I wouldn’t be the only one to have the opportunity to have a chance for freedom. That I wouldn’t go alone, not unless I had my sisters. My family.”

She felt emotions clog her throat, and the familiar stinging feeling of tears forming in her eyes at her sister’s words.

A part of her had felt that Natalia had left her, had really left her when she seemingly couldn’t have been found in those months. That their sisterhood hadn’t been real to her as it had been to Maggie. 

“They agreed, I mean how could they not. They wouldn’t be gaining just one widow, but three. So I began to track Yelena down, luckily for me and bad for the Red Room, as they really need to up the game on their firewall.” Natalia smirked. 

"I found out she had been sent on a mission to South America. I was able with the help of S.H.I.E.L.D, able to find her and convince her to join me.” Nat explained. 

Maggie gave her a look, “Really? You convince Yelena? I find that hard to believe.”

“Oh trust me she had a hard time convincing me, but once she mentioned that we would both be saving you and taking down the Red Room. How could I not?” Yelena said, making her presence known in the room. 

She came to stand beside the couch Maggie sat on, her green eyes watching everything keenly. Maggie couldn’t help comparing her youngest sister like a cat, watching and observing, waiting to make the first move. And like a cat, she was pretty sure her youngest sister had nine lives. 

“After that, we decided the best course of action to get to you was of course pretend Yelena was still a widow.” Natalia inputted. 

“So we had her go to the designated meeting point and from there we followed them back to The Red Room.” she said. "And well you know the rest."

Maggie sat there silently as she took in everything her sisters said, her mind though going back to one thing Yelena had said.

How in the end the only way for them to truly be free and protected was to join S.H.I.E.L.D and that was only achievable by taking down the place of her nightmares. 

"So all of this," she waved around them. "You joining S.H.I.E.L.D, finding Yelena, and saving me, has all led to what? Taking down the Red Room in exchange for what?  Us being agents or does that only go to you?"

Natalia gave her curious look, “What if it is? And no, you and Yelena would be agents as well, that's if you wanted to be.”

Maggie sighed, “Well why didn’t you just say so?” she exclaimed. 

Both widows gave her perplexed but amused looks, not having expected that as her answer.

“So you are on board with this, with taking down Dreykov and The Red Room and with joining S.H.I.E.L.D?” Yelena asked her hesitantly. 

Maggie gave her a look, “Why wouldn’t I?” she said. "And joining S.H.I.E.L.D would be better option than The Red Room anyday."

"And taking down the Red Room?" Natalia asked.

“I want to take down the Red Room more than anyone, but the question is how? How are we going to go about doing it? No one knows where it is." Maggie said exhaustedly.

Yelena looked at her confusedly, “I thought we did take down the Red Room when we rescued you.”

Natalia shook her head, “No, that was just a part of the Red Room. The real Red Room has been a closely guarded secret for years, even when I was able to hack into their database I couldn’t really pinpoint where it was." She explained, her blue eyes deep in focus.

"What we did take down was a branch of the Red Room, a medical and training facility.” she told them.

“So then how do we go about taking it down? We can't really track down a ghost town, can we?” Yelena asked between the two older sisters.

Maggie was the first to answer as she stood from the couch, “By going after the one person responsible for it, Dreykov.”

°•☆•°Author's Note°•☆•°~

Ahh I love the widow sisters!!!! I know this might seem like the start of the Widow movie, but it is not as that part of the MCU is going to be in the story later on.

And we going to be seeing Bucky very soon.....

Who is your favorite MCU side character? Let me know in the comments.

Thank you for all the votes!!!

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Stay safe and thank you.

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