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“Last glimmer”


and one wouldn’t think from how they acted that they were anything but a family. Melina in the past year, had taken the role as mother to the three girls very seriously, doing everying one would expect of a mother to do and doing everything with a florish of perfection only known to the older woman. She poured herself into caring, loving, and nurturing the girls.

Like in the times Yelena would have a nightmare that would wake her from sleep, she would hug and hold the girl singing her lullabies till she fell asleep once more or when Natalia had trouble with making friends once she and Maggie had started attending school, she was quick to offer her tip on how she make she could. And when Maggie had fallen from her new bike that Alexei had bought her for her ninth birthday and scrapped her knee badly, she would blow on it and kiss away her teary cheeks till she was smiling again. 

Alexei had been the same, taking his role as father to the three girls seriously and devotedly, enjoying making the girls laugh or giggle with his over-exsagurated stories of his glory day stories as the ‘Red Guardian.’ and fighting against deadly foes like Captain America or fighting side by side with the Winter Guard. Those stories were always Maggie’s favorite, especially when it came time for bed and for each of the girls they got to pick one story for him to tell them until Melina would come to do her rounds of tuck ins and goodnight wishes.

Taking a joyus delight in making any holidays and special occasions to be celebrate in big and outlandish fashion, letting the girls stay up on Christmas Eve as to capture Santa Clause or when he bough the girls their beloved playset after Summer Break began. 

To the outside world they looked like a perfect family. 

Maggied over the year had gotten used to Melina and Alexei acting as her parents, used to their smiles and loving expressions, waarm hugs and gentle affection. She had become so used to it all that during one night after hearing her familiar bed time story of how he took down Captain America and cracked his famous star-spangaled sheild, and a soft kiss to her forehead as he left for Melina to finish their nightime routine, she had let her contentment slip out in a breath whisper of sleep. 

Melina had sat on her pink and yellow bed, taking her time to tucking her snugly in as a warm and affectionate smile brushed her lips, it was a look that made her appear almost years younger and happier than she had seemed in the Academy. Maggied in her drowsy and warm state, had felt her brush back a piece of dark hair from her face in a tender fashion. 

“Goodnight, malyutka.” she whispere, fondness dripping from words. 

Maggie in her sleepy state, whispered in a breath of air, “Goodnight, momma.”

Already asleep and gone to the world of dreams, she would miss the shocked and bittersweet look of sadness the older woman had on her elgant face. Her hand which had been brushing her head softly, froze above her from the shock of the small girls words as she slept unaware.

Melina quick to recover herself, brushed once more the girls head of dark ebony curls and replace the look of shock with one of real happiness, leaning over the child as she pressed her lips softly in a gentle kiss to the girl’s forehead.

“Sweet dreams, darling

Aᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's Nᴏᴛᴇ-

Hi guys, hope you are enjoying the rewrite so far! I am sorry for taking such a long time, I have just finished my first semster of college and was still trying to figure things out in the rewrite as well.

Thank you you for the votes and being so patient, hopefully you guys will come to like this rewrite as I have a lot of big things planned ahead.

Remember to read, comment, and vote; though most importantly just enjoy the story.

Stay safe and thank you.

 ⧗𝚁𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙸𝙳𝙾𝚆⧗ - 𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙴𝚂( 𝙾𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕)Where stories live. Discover now