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“I'm not your friend oranything, damn”

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I'm not your friend or
anything, damn


like a castle rising amongst the soft lulling currants of the Potomac, S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters stood proudly for all of D.C to bear witness to it’s gleaming glory. The tall curved-shaped building overlooked many of the structures that resides across the river bank, standing above the taller of premises and casting a long shadow over them when the sun grew high enough in the sky. It was constructed mostly of reinforced steel beams, concrete walls, and shatter-proof glass windows made up the whole of the main complex, while the lower levels which housed the agent vehicles and modes of transportation was made entirely of metal. Leading to the main complex itself was a heavily guarded and supervised twenty-four seven bridge that could only be accessed by having specific security clearance badges. 

An impressive structure it was or rather Maggie thought it was, never really getting tired of seeing the large building every time she had to come in for a mission detailing or report back after completing a mission. She watched as Natalia navigated the car across the long bridge, stopping once to show the guards her clearance badge before driving on.

“So…are you going to tell me what this mission is that I am required to be apart of, is about?” Maggie inquired, eyes trained on the road ahead as her fingers twitched with pent up energy against her thigh. “Or are you going to keep me in the dark till we get there?”

“The only thing I know about the mission is that you are to be main leader in it’s operation and that I was I told to come collect you and bring to you Fury for briefing, that’s all.”

That drew Maggie’s attention and albit her suspension, in the three years since she had accepted Nick Fury’s offer, the missions she had been assigned and worked on were always commanded by either Natalia herself or by another of his more trusted agents as in past missions she had been considered a ‘Wild Card’. So for her to hear that on this new assignment she was to act as the leader, she couldn’t help but feel the trendels of distrust and suspension curl around her heart. 

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