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I gotta recognise the weapon
in my mind”


to the warmth of a candle flame, wiping away any trace of said warmth and instead replacing everything with confusion. His grip on her hands which had once begun to loosen, had regained their steely grip causing her to wince. 

Net.” he hissed. “On net dogonit menya!” 

He gave her a brief look of confusion but it was replaced by one of irritation as she brought her knee’s up and then planted the soles of her feet against his chest as she pushed him away from her. 

He grunted from the blunt force of her feet, his painful grip on her hands breaking away with the shove. Maggie didn’t spare a moment as she turned on the charge of her widow gauntlets.

The soldat shook off the dull ache of her push against his chest, and standing onto his feet he came running again towards her. 

Maggie in record timing if she thought so herself, flipped over and onto her feet. When he swung a fist towards her, Maggie was quick to grab it and used not only her strength but the momentum of her appointment against him.

She was able to twist the limb and kicking off from her feet, and wrap her legs around his neck and throw them back down to the ground. 

Her legs tightened around his neck, her arms pinning down his flesh arm down to the ground. She could feel his metal arm try to pin her away from his neck and underneath her she felt his flesh hand squirm as it tried to break the hold she had on him. 

Maggie unrelenting as she used all her body weight to keep him there, her legs still pressed tightly around the base of his throat.

Her plan in all of this was to hold onto him long enough till he passed out and she could make her escape, but that plan soured as he brought his knee up and jammed it painfully against the side of her head. 

 ⧗𝚁𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙸𝙳𝙾𝚆⧗ - 𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙴𝚂( 𝙾𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕)Where stories live. Discover now