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You're on your own kid, you always have been”


felt renewing, to feel the first rays of the sun slowly gliding across your skin and warm it with its barely there touch.

Pushing away the claws of the darkness and gliding everything in golden light. Or at least that’s how Maggie felt, as she sat on the roof of the building of the safehouse. 

She had been sitting there for hours now, just waiting and watching the sky for the sun to rise. Silent as the cool morning breeze, which to others might have been too cold to endure a long sit to watch for the sun, but nothing compared to the Siberian winds that Maggie was used to feeling.

In fact Maggie enjoyed the cool feeling of the wind as it brushed against her sun warmed cheeks, how it brushed away the strands of hair that had come loose from the messy braid she done her hair in. 

Maggie, after her little breakdown had numbly thanked Natalia for consoling her and tried to ignore the fact that Yelena and Clint had stood in the doorway of her room armed to the brim with weapons and worried looks.

She didn’t even look at them when she went to close the door, to avoid the pitiful looks she knew they sent her way. She already felt bad enough as it is for losing control. 

After closing the door to her room tightly shut, Maggie hadn’t hesitated in opening the rickety window of her room that overlooked the shared alleyway and climbing her way to the room. Wanting some place to just not think and just to be silent, thus her ending up sitting on the roof of the building. 

She found comfort in the steady sounds of the noise of Budapest, of the cool wind on her face, and the fact no one was looking at her sadly.

But, Maggie knew that at some point she would have to go back inside and face those pitying looks. To answer the question her sisters no doubt had for her and to talk about everything. Something Maggie wasn’t quiet ready for, yet. 

So instead she sat there for as long as she could, eyes trained on the sky to watch the sunrise. For those few hours, she enjoyed the quietness and peace just watching the golden sun rise and paint the sky with a multitude of colors. 

When the sun had reached a peak in the sky where it covered everything in its glow, did Maggie know that sooner or later she would have to crawl back inside and deal with the music.

With steady steps, Maggie with a heavy sigh, stood from the roof of the building. Wind blowing softly by her, carrying the sound of the now awake city below. Though that wasn’t the only thing it carried along with it. 

As Maggie crawled down the exposed piping of the building, she paused. At first thinking she was hearing things, that maybe it was all in her head. Until she heard it again, a soft cry of something from below. 

Both curious and not yet wanting to deal with her problems, she shimmed down the pipe till she was at a safe height for her to drop to the ground without hurting herself.

When her feet reached the uneven paved ground of the alleyway, did she hear the sound more clearly.

Maggie slowly followed the path of the sound, her hand reaching to her backside for the weapon she kept on hand. Just in case it was something less innocent at hand, her eyes looked at possible escape paths and entryways as she came closer to the sound.

Though her tense stance at thinking that maybe it was something dangerous, eased some when she finally came to the source of the sound. In front of her where the sounds of crying were coming from was a cardboard box, dirty and torn in places.

“What the hell?” she whispered, brows furrowed.

 Maggie, who earlier had grabbed the knife hidden in a holster at her back, placed it back inside and bent down towards the box. Curious, she took one of the frayed edges of the box and pulled it back to see what was causing such noises. When the flap of the box was pulled far back enough for the early morning sun to shine inside, was she able to see what it was. 

Four pairs of eyes stared back at her, two green and two blue. Little furry faces with elegant features peered at her with scared and hesitant eyes, crying out even more at the sight of her.

Maggie felt her heart pang at the sight of the two small and damp kittens that cried in the box. 

“Oh,” she breathed out. “You poor little things. Where is your family?” 

The kittens meowing became less scared when they got accustomed to the sight of her and even more so when she held a hand out for them to sniff.

Their little noses ever so lightly touching her sun warmed hand as they got used to her scent, and when it seemed they found her not to be a threat did they calm. 

Maggie sat there perplexed as she watched the two small kittens walk timidly over from the edge of the box where they had been when she found them, to the tips of her boots. Tiny paws move to stand on top of her shoes and try to crawl onto her. 

What should I do?’ she thought as the one of the kittens, the small inky one had somehow managed to get in her lap and began to rub its head on her stomach.

I can’t leave them, but I hardly think Nat or everyone else will be too happy if I just magically show up with two cats and no explanation.

She knew though, it would be wrong to just leave the cats to defend themselves alone in the alleyway, let alone in the world. Small and defenseless as they were, and those reasons alone resonated more with Maggie than she liked to admit. 

You have no family, your only family is me and the Red Room now girl!” Draykov had told her more than once in her youth. 

That she had no family, that she was nothing but the tool he needed her to be. That no one loved her and that her family had thrown her to the streets, like garbage. And he had been so kind in just doing the recycling for those like her, thrown aways. 

Maybe it was why Maggie didn’t really think much more when she scooped up both kittens in her arms, holding them tightly to her chest as she walked away from the water stained and torn box they had been hiding in.

Not wanting one more thing in this world to think it wasn’t good enough for a home and love, to not feel the way she and her sisters had for their childhood. To feel wanted.

°•☆•°Author's Note°•☆•°~

We now have Alpine and Liho!!!!!! I am trying to post on Saturdays more often, but yesterday was my birthday and I thought why not share some birthday joy.

Which MCU shows have been your favorite of recent? Mine have been Hawkeye and Moon Knight.

Also, have you guys seen the trailer for Thor Love and thunder? It looks so interesting, what do guys think?

Thank you guys for the votes and I love getting your feedback as well. It make my day seeing both.

Please remember to read, comment, vote.

Stay safe and thank you.

 ⧗𝚁𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙸𝙳𝙾𝚆⧗ - 𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙴𝚂( 𝙾𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕)Where stories live. Discover now