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There's a room where the light won't find you”


That was the first thing Maggie realized when she woke up, that and a killer head-ache. Groaning from the mix of sore limbs and her head throbbing painfully, Maggie tried to sit up but found in familiar fashion that her limbs and body were restricted.

“Wonderful, just wonderful.” she groaned, voice giving away at how annoyed she was by the whole of the situation. 

Around her like something out of her nightmares, faceless doctors in white uniforms fluttered around her as they set up or checked their many arrays of equipment that surrounded the area around the medical table she was strapped to.

That echo of familiarness sent shivers of fear up her spine, her body slowly felt like it was growing numb as she fought hard against the memories of the past. Of hearing her ten year old self screaming out for help, for someone to come save her. 

“Yes it isn’t, Vdova.” 

Maggie felt her entire body go rigid, muscles so tight under the confines of her own body that grew painful. Her face hardened on instinct as years of past hard learnt lessons had taught her, show nothing and get nothing.

With all the mental fortitude she had in her, Maggie took in a stale deep breath of the starile air around her and willed her heart to calm down from the slight spike it had shown the heart monitor that was hooked up next to her. 

Dreykov, like the living nightmare he had become for the young Stark woman, emerged from the shadows of the room. A cruel and malicious grin on his thin lips. Eyes hidden behind tinted shades of a deep and unsettling red, that looked coldly down upon her. 

“How utterly wonderful it is for you to be brought back home. To be brought back to your rightful place.” he said, voice like broken concrete in her ears. 

He walked in slow and menacing steps towards her, till he loomed over her. His grin turned in a look of disappointment the longer he stared at her, tutting and shaking his head all the while as his eyes never left her own. 

“But I must say I am very upset with you, Margaret.” Dreykov’s lips thinned even more. “Running away….and ruining everything that I have for all of these years, worked so hard on.”

She didn’t flinch or cry when he punched her, or cringe when the robust taste of copper filled her mouth from the newly made cut on her lip from one of his rings. She just stayed silent as he now glared like a viper down at her, mouth almost foaming from his anger. 

Maggie just turned back towards him and glared back just as coldly as he did towards her. Her face though was impassive, unreadable even to those around them.

“What can I say I aim to please.” she said with a little smirk of her own, pain flaring from the cut on her lip and causing blood to drip down her chin.

She could see his growing anger boil over, but she said nothing once again when he slapped her. This time it was hard enough that she could almost feel it rattle her teeth and knew that if she was to ever escape from his clutches that she would see a bruise forming on her cheek. 

“You-” he pointed a ringed finger towards her, lips pulled back into a snarl. “You have cost me much, girl. Running away, blowing up my building, and setting back the project.”

She rolled her eyes, “Oh no, you mean I had the audacity to decide what I wanted to happen to my own body on my own terms. How horrible of me.”

He chuckled but to her it came off more as a sneer, “Oh Maragret the one thing I can say I didn’t miss was that mouth of yours.”

Dreykov painfully grasped her face, pinning her as she couldn’t look away from him. When he said his next words, for them to settle deep inside her heart. She could see his anger, his fury towards her gleaming in his eyes.

She also saw the twitch of his hands and knew he was fighting back from hitting her anymore, though she saw his restraint was growing as thin as his anger was escalating. 

“Too bad Drey, here I was thinking that was the one thing you did miss about me.” she sassed back, feeling that little asshole part of her felt the need to make the rough waters more dangerous than her mind was already warning her that they were. 

His face became a horrible shade of puce and she watched almost like in slow motion his once fanned out hand moved to form a ball as it raised up and over himself towards her face. Maggie waited on baited breath for it to make contact with her face, to feel that familiar pain. Yet it never came. 

Almost as if fate had mercy on her, one of his guards came over to him and before Dreykov’s fist made contact with her cheek he whispered into his ear. Stopping him annoyedly in his tracks as he paused to hear what the faceless guard had to say. 

In a faint whisper, Maggie was able to hear what the guard said to the snarling man. “Ona zdes’, ser.”

Maggie didn’t show it, but hearing this perked her interest. Wondering to herself who in the world this ‘she’ was and who was so important enough for Dreykov that he seemed to collect himself some as he relaxed his fist from the balled form it had been in. 

Dreykov stood straighter from the crouched and bent over position he had been, straightening his suit as he did. Face sliding back easily into a cool exterior with the same superior air that she knew him to hold around himself. His thin lips morphing from the angry snarl into a knowing and smug almost there smirk.

“But that won’t be a problem anymore, Margaret.” he slapped her cheek mockingly and painfully before he began to walk away from her. 

She watched with wide eyes as he and his entourage of guards and personnel started to slowly leave the medical room.

Yet before he left through the large metal doors that separated them from the outside world he stopped, Dreykov called over his shoulder to the gaggle of doctors and medical personnel in the room. 

“Ready the subjugation vials, I want her to be ready by the time HYDRA’s representatives come.”

He turned back to look Maggie in the eyes, a sickening grin on his face as he did. “Welcome home, Margaret.”

Author's Note-

Oh no! Dreykov is back, ew.

Hiya guys, hope you like this chapter!!!!!

I can say we are very close to ACT THREE!!! I am so very excited for you guys to see what I have planned for not only the next few chapters I have planned but also what is to happen in ACT THREE.

I also want you guys to know that is going to be a long story as I really want you guys to see the growth of Maggie and Bucky's relationship. So bear with me, but trust me that it will be all worth it!!!!

Remember to read, comment, and vote. Please and thank you!!!!

And remember to stay safe!!!!

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