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“You're part of a machine, you are not a human being.”


as she dodged blow after blow from the man in front of her, he already had gotten a few hits onto her. On the upper side of her ribs, on the right side he had punched her. Kicked her left leg which she knew would leave a bruise, and had punched her again in the stomach.

All times in the hopes of kicking her to the ground, but the challenge for Maggie was to not fail. Because if she failed then it was over for her, this was one of her tests to see if she would make it to the older class of Widows. She had to beat him or god only knows what the Red Room would do to her.

In the far corner of the room was Madam Vasilisa and another instructor who she never learned the name of, watching as she dodged the larger and older man. They were her judges to see if she would pass on to the older classes.

Their predator eyes watching and calculating every move she made. It would have unnerved the girl when she was younger, but time in the hellhole that was the Red Room had jaded her and she learned to be used to watching eyes.

Maggie stood opposite of the man, her breathing coming in pants and sweat beading at her temples. They had been at this for hours, him coming at her with a balled fist and dodging him.

She could have hit him, but she chose not to. It was a tactic that she had learned early on, to let them get exhausted and then move.

But it was taking longer with the man in front of her. Looking over her shoulder briefly, she could see the less than pleased look her instructors had at her little game, especially Madam Vasilisa. Her eyes narrowed with anger at the younger girl. She had caught on to her little game.

Before looking back at her opponent, she faintly heard the creak of the wooden floors alerting her to seconds before the would man lunged over to hit her.

Moving aside fastly from the forward lung of the man. She brought her leg out and kicked his dominant standing leg at his kneecap, causing the man to fall to the ground in pain. As the force of Maggie's kick had dislocated it.

Turning around, she walked over to him and kicked his left side. The man was still groaning in pain from her dislocating his kneecap on the floor and now from the swift and sharp kick to his ribcage.

Maggie tried not to think when she came closer again to the man and especially when he tried to raise himself up, and when she kicked him hard enough in the side that he wheezed from the air being knocked from his lungs.

But she did give him a small mercy when she brought her foot up again and kicked him in the face, knocking him unconscious.

There was only silence, Maggie panting looked up to meet the eyes of her teachers. There were very little emotions that could be read off of either one of them, but the one that stood out was displeasement.

Madam Vasilisa walked over to the younger girl and Maggie braced herself, the first thing she felt was the impact of the dancer's staff on her injured ribs.

She held the sob in and shakily kept on her toes, but not once showing how much it had hurt.

"You had more than twelve openings to take him down and instead you treated this like a game, teasing him and dragging it out." she hissed at her. Her eyes like knives on her.

"This isn't a game, Vdova."

She stood tall, bringing the staff back to her side. Her sour face was more pinched than ever, as she looked down at Maggie. Who waited for her punishment to be dealt.

"For punishment you will do routines until I say you can stop, and no food for three days." she said coldly.

Maggie didn't nod or say anything, she just stood there. Madam Visilisa brought a hand out and grabbed her chin ruffly, bringing her face up to look at her.

"You still have fire, that is good." she said, her eyes looking over the maturing features of the younger girl.

"Fire is very good, but it will be wise to learn how to control it or you will find it burning you."

She released her harshly, and waving her hand she dismissed her.

"Go, you are done here. You have passed, but do not disappoint me again, Malyshka."

°•☆•°Author's Note°•☆•°~

Hi guys, I know the gif is Natasha but imagin it's Maggie for now. Like most of my chapters this one will spilt into two just because it is long, but if you guys prefer longer chapters just let me know...

We still have a few chapters to go before we see some new faces, but I would love to hear what Avengers or MCU characters you think Maggie might become friends with in the comments.

Anyways, like before hope you like the story so far and don't worry we will be seeing more of the Widow sisters in future chapters and things are about to get interesting......

And thank you for all the votes and comments, they really do make my day. I've been so nervous about publishing my stories and so to hear you guys say you like the story, really make me happy. So thank you.

Please read, comment, and vote. Thank you.

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