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“A pure heart”

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A pure heart”


as Maggie Stark ran a determined path across the picturesque landscape of the famous Tidal Basin during the early moments of dawn. Around her the city of Washington glowed in soft shades of amber, coral, and fading cobalt as the sun gently rose up high across the sky, sweeping over the lands in a multitude of water-colored light. A cool breeze brushed against her flushed skin, bringing with it the sweet smell of cherry blossoms from the nearby groves. 

It was peaceful in its quietness, the gentle atmosphere welcoming for the young Widow as she savored those silent moments before civilization awoke and everything remained calm. No chaos, no pain, just peaceful serenity. Moments like this were the ones that Maggie truly savored, rare and few they were in her own life and even more so with her line of work as being an agent for a secret government agency didn’t allow for much peace or serenity in her life. So here she found it in her daily runs, with every push of her feet and inhale of her breath, the peace she craved.

As the hour had passed since starting her run, found herself completing her tenth lap around the Tidal Basin when she saw a familiar silhouette running a few feet up ahead of her, and upon seeing the figure, it brought a happy smirk to her lips. Feeling a newfound burst of energy, she pushed herself to run a little bit faster than she had before and came to ran beside the taller man. Noticing the new presence next to him and seeing that it was her, he groaned loudly in annoyance and moved to run faster than before. This alone made Maggie grin even more wildly than before. 

“No! We are not doing this again!” he panted out, dark doe eyes narrowing at her chuckling direction as she once again came up beside him. “God damn it!” 

“What’s wrong Sammy, afraid of some competition?” she laughed out. 

Sam Wilson or ‘Sammy’ as Maggie fondly called him, was a retired U.S. Air Force Pararescue airman who now worked at the Department of Veterans Affairs after being hired as a counselor, helping other retired veterans on how to cope with their PTSD and learning how to adjust back to civilian life as Maggie had found when doing a background search on him after their very first encounter and that he fondness for birds. 

 ⧗𝚁𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙸𝙳𝙾𝚆⧗ - 𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙴𝚂( 𝙾𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕)Where stories live. Discover now