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“One tells the truth, the other's lying”


flurries of snow falling delicately to the ground and covering everything in layer of pale snow.

Her breath was turning into fog in front of her as she breathed softly in and out, the cool air filling her lungs with each intake.

Sounds of the city around could be heard, cars and voices of people from below echoing up to her from the high top of the building she found herself perched on.

Maggie watched with careful eyes over the city and the buildings around her, but her gaze was more focused on one particular building.

It was a simple twenty level floor building, plain to the eye and nothing that would stand out to any who looked at it.

Yet to Maggie it was of all interest as she looked at it through the sniper lens of her gun, watching with intense eyes at the figure who moved around one of the middle levels of the building.

"Vdova....what is your position?" a familiar voice called over the comm she had in her ear.

Maggie bringing one hand up to the left ear she had her comm in, pressed on it as she responded back.

"I'm in position....target is on the fifthteenth floor," she replied, still watching the person in the building.

"Waiting for orders to engage."

"Stand by, on my order." the static version of Natalia's voice said.


This was Maggie's first serious mission after passing her version of the graduation, it was a chance to prove she was capable of holding the mantle given to her.

To be as great as her older sister was, because if she succeeded in this then it meant she truly was the Red Rooms greatest creation.

Her first assignment was a recon mission to gather information on an American government project that was rumored to be trying to recreate the super serum.

It was her job along with Natalia's to steal the information and gather as much intel as they could.

So for a couple of months, both Widows watched and observed the building and the targets of their mission.

Gathering information on main contenders of the project Rebirth, one of them being a Gamma radiation scientist named Bruce Banner.

One of the informats for the Red Room had gotten word a couple of years back that he, along with a few other scientists, were hired by the secretary of the State Thaddeus Ross.

A man that Maggie after reading everything she could on him, didn't like him.

She thought he was opportunistic and not that different from Draykov, in his pursuit for military power.

Thus this drew attention from not only The Red Room but other groups and factors around the world.

One's who were willing to pay the Red Room the highest price for any information they could get on the secrets of the project.

And like most times when something of interest came to the attention of the Red Room, Hydra was by it's side with the most money to pay for all the information they could get.

Draykov, not denying this huge opportunity, put his two best Widows on the mission.

Which brought up to where Maggie sat on the rooftop of a medium building, watching a rather shy looking Bruce Banner walking around in a twenty foot tall tower for the past couple of months.

Her months of observation told her a few things about the timid scientist.

One, he liked to drink black coffee every day at seven right before he would start his work and two, he appeared to suffer from hidden anger issues.

Now one would ask how Maggie would know such a thing from the rather introverted appearing scientist, and to answer that question it was all based on body language.

For the months she had spent watching him and following him, Maggie had gathered on all his little tells and with the years of training she had it wasn't hard for her to deduce this fact about him.

It was something she was rather good at, picking on things about people that they thought they were good at hiding and gathering all she needed to know just from the slightest thing.

Like when she and Natalia had been younger, she always knew when her sister was lying. Her tell being that her fingers would twitch and her brows would as well.

Which made lying so much harder for Natalia to get away with when it came to Maggie.

She had proven this skill many times over in her training as well and with her showing that she was basically a human lie detector, the Red Room thought it another reason for her to go on the mission with Natalia.

Just in case the information they were asked to gather was more a person than files, that they were lead to believe.

"Target is on the move, what is your position Vdova?" Natalia said over her side of the com.

Looking through the sniper lens, she watched as Bruce Banner walked steadily through the halls of the fifthteenth level at a normal and steady pace.

He was heading to an elevator that faced the west side of the building, which put him in one of Maggie's blind spots.

"Target is heading to the west elevator, waiting on orders to follow."

"Don't lose sight of the target, keep reporting. Understand." it wasn't a question and Maggie knew that as she answered back.


°•☆•°Author's Note°•☆•°~

Hi guys, sorry for the long update I was working on more chapters for the story and thinking about which direction I want to take it towards

I know this chapter doesn't have Bucky in it, but please don't worry we will definitely see more of him and Maggie interacting together in the next further chapters.

We will also see a well known character show up as well and this mission is going to be interesting....

Hope you guys are enjoying the story, I love hearing your feedback and knowing you guys like Maggie as much I as I do.

Please remember to stay safe as well.

Remember to read, comment, and vote, thank you.

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