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I can't save us”


reduced down to nothing but burning rubble around them, the walls covered in large cracks that never seemed to end as they grew like vines up the walls of the hall.

A blazing heat from the bombs seeting off covered the hall in a thick smoke, that made it harder for Maggie to see through as she navigated them through the halls of the first floor. Small fires littered the floors here and there from the explosion going off around them. 
Maggie panted as she tried to run out of the crumbling building, her strength leaving step by step as she helped but mostly dragged the dazed super soldier that hung off her. The air around growing harder to breathe in as the smoke grew and steadily filled her lungs, making chest heavy and eyes water. 

“C-Come on! Yo-You have to he-help me, o-otherwise we w-won’t ge-get out of here!” she shouted to him over the thunderous crashing around them.

Ducking her head when large pieces of stone and rubble came flying over them, her spare hand coming up to cover his as well. 

The soldat grunted as he lifted his head, strands of brown hair covering his face and by his hairline she could see a dark welt forming rapidly on his hairline. His brows furrowed when he looked up at her, eyes both confused and if she didn’t know any better, elated to see her. 

“M-Maggie?” he groaned, voice like the gravel falling around them. Confusion and delriouness in his voice. 

She wanted to groan, but with quickly fading energy she found that would have been too much of a waste to do as she pushed forward. Instead she spared him a marginal look before looking forward again. 

“Great…y-you’re aw-awake!” she gritted out as she readjusted him in her hold as he had begun to slip. “C-Can y-you wa-walk on yo-your own?”

His head lolled back and forth as he slowly started to regain his consciousness. Eyes dilated from the concussion she had given him earlier as he looked up at her. 

“W-Why…are yo-you helping me?”his voice was almost slurred as he spoke.

She hissed when one of the burning embers from the smoke falling around them, touched down on her shoulders and burned right through her gear.

“Be-Because yo-you would do th-the same…for me!” 

Maggie to the best of her abilities kept pushing them forward as they turned another hall, this one she was sure would be a deadshot away to the rendezvous point or at least some type of exit for them to make it out alive. 

Though each step and each rush of her feet grew slower as the smoke from the burning building rapidly went to her head and chest. Her own breathing became a harsh sound to her own ears and the world around her fading in and out with black spots filtering around the edges of her vision. Yet she still pushed herself to get them out.

“No-Not wo-rth it.” he said softly, words muffled by the material of her tac gear as his head rested against her shoulder. She could feel his hot breath through the material of her gear, that action sending her heart racing. 

Not now, focus.’ she thought sternly, forcing her heart to calm in it’s erratic and usual fashion.

Maggie shook her head, though the feeling all but gave her whiplash as her head felt like a lead ball resting on her body. “I don’t care wh-what you th-think at t-the mo-moment…. you…you will always be worth it to me.”

There seemed to be some hope after all when she caught the barest glimpse of the exit ahead of them, that hope along with sheer stubbornness that had been acting as her fuel seemed to double at the sight.

Making her trudge further up the breaking halls, ignoring her shaking feet and the ground around her as she pulled them towards hope. 

“We’re al-almost there…just a little bit further.” she told him, willing her lead like feet to move onward. 

Though it seemed fate had other plans when the final rig went off, and things from there were a blur of flames and rubble.

Maggie in the chaos of it all was only faintly aware of the sensation of floating, a passing moment of peacefulness that seemingly crashed down as she did. Her body came back to earth when she landed painfully and bruising on the rubble filled ground. 

All the breath she had in her lungs leaving her as a great metal weight pinned her to the ground, a piercing scream being ripped from her chest as hot metal burned her through her tac gear and onto her skin.

A piece of one of the support beams had broken off by the explosion, falling and landing on her. Hot from the heat of the explosion and burning to the touch. The pain rattling and numbing to the point of losing consciousness. 

In the distance before the darkness took her into its warm arms, she could remember the feeling of a gentle caress of her stinging cheeks and the sound of someone calling out for her. But in the end it was all blocked out and she knew only the darkness that enclosed her. 

Author's Note~

Hi guys!!!!

We are so close to the end of ACT TWO!!!!! ahh so exciting!!!!

I can say that we will have some surprises near the end and I can't wait for you guys to see them!!!!

I hope you are ready for ACT THREE!!!! BECAUSE TONY IS SHOWING UP!!!!!!!!!!

Don't worry also we will get some more Bucky and Maggie scenes too!!!!!

Thank you guys for all the support and votes!!!! They mean so much to me!!!!!!!

Remember to read, comment, and vote. Though more importantly to just enjoy the Story.

Feedback is always welcomed here as I love hearing from you guys.

Stay safe and thank you.

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