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Don't doubt it, Don't doubt it”


in the darkness she found quiet, and in the darkness she found the past waiting for her. Maggie was only helpless to watch as like a kaleidoscope, it all passed by her in a mirage of memories, voices, and bright colors of those who had all come and gone in her life. Each one calling out to her, pulling her to their embrace as so she might never forget them. 

“Fire…you have fire..learn how to control it…or find it burning you…” The chilling beauty of Madam Vasilisa flashed before her very eyes as her old teacher hissed in her ear like a snake, the phantom grip of her child hands holding a bruising grip upon her jaw. All just a painful reminder of the cost her so-called ‘perfection’ taken from her. 

Pain makes…you stronger….Don’t let….them take…your heart…”

The warmth of Melian’s embrace as she held her tightly to her chest, rocking her back and forth as she tried to sooth her rattled soul. The pride that once gleamed from her dark and all knowing eyes, and the faint brush of her lips against the crown of her head as she would whisper loving enderments into her curls. Melina, the only mother she had ever known, the only one she would ever know or remember. 

My girls are…the bravest…in the world…You’re going…..to take…care of….each other…”

Alexei’s goodbye and betrayal rang like a bittersweet bell in her ears, the pain of his actions still a tender scar against the plains of her heart as she could remember the look of remorse in his blue eyes as he sent her and her sisters to their doom. The regret in his eyes a momentary passing as she had fallen to the red covered hands of true evil. Yet, his love, his love was the clostest thing she had ever known of a father’s affection, to having someone briefly protecting her. 

 ⧗𝚁𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙸𝙳𝙾𝚆⧗ - 𝙱𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙴𝚂( 𝙾𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕)Where stories live. Discover now