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"shut up! What do you want anyways?..i just completed a mission.." you said as you covered up your wounds with bandages.

"you are now a pillar! the midnight hashira."

"huh?!" You almost choked on spit. not a lot of things surprised you, but this sure did.

"you are the 8th hashira."

you smiled realizing you could be around shinobu more. speaking of shinobu, a knock on the door was heard and in came aoi, shinobu, kanao, and some other girls. ''good job!'' they all latched onto you.

kanae, are you proud?

— i don't care if you don't want to wear it. wear it —

You had joined the demon slayer corps about age 15 or 16. You were now 20, same age as shinobu. kanae was..18 when she died, the year before you became a hashira.

you weren't there, but shinobu was. kanao acted like nothing happened, but she now wears the hair clip kanae owned. shinobu wears her own as always.

you insisted you didn't want one, since there were only two and there was no point in making another for you. they did end up making a small moon hair clip, which you cherish.

before kanae died, you made your own breathing style. midnight breathing. shinobu helped you with it, so some of the forms consist of poison.

you didn't even cry when kanae died, which resulted in many girls in the butterfly mansion to worry. kanao did the same though, no one saw her cry, and you felt worried for her. people really worried for you like how you worried for shinobu and kanao?

you felt sad, but you pushed those feelings aside. the only people that truly realized you hid your feelings by pouring them out on demons were kanao, shinobu, and some others.

shinobu also took out her anger like that, but you didn't take out your anger. you weren't really mad, instead. confused, upset, or something. it was a feeling itching at your insides. it made you uncomfortable to think about it.

each time you fought, you never did it to protect others. which made you even more upset, it made you mad at yourself. you felt selfish. when you fought, each time a different emotion would fill you up.

even before kanae died, you were that way. but when she was killed, it just got worse. shinobu wished she could help you, but she couldn't. she didn't even attempt to try, because her lack of self confidence on handling emotions. kanao was a whole new story.

kanao was confused, shinobu angry, you were both those, plus sad.

when you got the news of you being a hashira you were truly happy, happy that you were strong enough to kill demons that are higher then most. if you died, you wish you would die while killing a demon.

you didn't even hate demons, unlike shinobu. you just used them for your anger and feelings. shinobu wanted revenge, you didn't. you just wanted some way to find out how to get rid of that feeling. you didn't even have the ability to explain the feeling .

it was like a hole in your stomach, maybe it was because of the feelings you kept in. every now and then some of the feelings would seep out. when they did, people always looked at you funny. and when someone watched you fight a demon, they thought you were crazy, mentally ill or something. you didn't always torture demons, just sometimes.

— when i am around you, that feeling is replaced by a new one —

your crow had told you to meet kagaya, the head of demon slayer corps. you were walking there, slightly nervous. you had only met some of the hashiras when you were way younger. when kanae was alive.

you heard that guy giyu was a hashira now. last time you spoke to him was quite awkward.

you walked closer and closer with a crow on your shoulder.

"do I get a mansion? i don't want to move out of the butterfly mansion though.." you mumbled to yourself and your crow that was perched on your shoulder.

finally reaching the demon slayer headquarters, you walked up and saw all 8 of the hashiras. shinobu already stood in a line.

some were speaking to each other, others were alone..not really others. Just tomioka. you snorted at how lonely he looked. how cruel of you.

you walked up to shinobu and spooked her. "hey." she smiled at you. "oh my, hi y/n." it stayed silent after, not awkward but comfortable. you had known her long enough for it to not be awkward.

"i'm gonna go introduce myself to the others again.." it had been so long since you've talked to some of them.

you began to walk but ran into a pink and green haired girl. "oh sorry!!" she blushed.

"oh..um it's alright." you smiled at her. "i'm-..uh..um! mitsuri." she giggled.

she was a bit awkward and her face was a bright red. "i'm y/n." You shook her hand awkwardly while smiling.

as soon as you stopped shaking her hand, your face went back to its expressionless form, scaring her. she fell over. "are you alright!?" you quickly helped her up.

"y-yes, i'm just..i don't know.." she looked at her feet. you couldn't help but think she was cute. "i'm the love hashira and I a-...assume you are the midnight hashira." She choked up a sentence.

"i am." you nodded.

— introductions —

"uzui tengen.''

"why do you care, brat?.. WAIT YOU WERE FRIENDS WITH KANA-"

"obanai Iguro."


"gyomei himejima, i look forward to working with you.''

— would it look weird with two hair clips? —

oh god..now I have to go up to tomioka. whatever, who cares.. "i already know your name, tomioka. but what pillar are you?" curiosity danced in your voice.

"water." you blinked awkwardly. "i'm y/n l/n. the midnight hashira." he nodded.

how rude of him.. not even a nice to meet you..


master soon showed up, and the meeting was held. it was quite boring being a pillar so far but you didn't really mind it that much.

you had no missions so you asked kagaya for a mission and he told you to pair up with giyu..

- -

rengoku wasn't mentioned because he hasn't became a hashira yet, but will VERY soon


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