; 003

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—"Why the hell would you ask for a mission?" he hissed at me

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"Why the hell would you ask for a mission?" he hissed at me. "i was bored! i didn't expect to go with you. plus why does it even matter?"

he ignored you. this guy got on your nerves, he just did. not a single clue why, but he just did.

it was silence the entire time. you were going to a town to slay a weak demon but ended up running into a house full of blood. it didn't disgust you how it used to.

"we should hurry.." i told him. "how about you go to the town and i take care of the demon in the forest area." he suggested. finally he said something not so rude.

you nodded and quickly sprinted to the town not far away. it was down a hill where the air was thin. you got there in almost a minute.

you started walking as fast as possible without drawing attention to yourself. you saw a lady being chased by a ugly mutated demon thing. it realized your presence and started to come towards you making your job easier. as it got closer, you felt time slow down around you. not literally but it felt that way.

you gracefully gripped your blade and pulled it out of its holder. your blade was a dark blue. You observed your blade, while the demon attempted to slice you with its claws. you then readied your sword and sliced its head off in a second. you weren't the strongest hashira but you were probably the fastest.

you didn't even need a form for this demon due to its weakness. it most likely had eaten one human in its lifetime thankfully.

you couldn't help but frown at how weak it was. you looked up from the dissolving demon to the shaking elder lady. "are you alright ma'am?" you practically teleported in front of her putting your hand on her shoulder. "yes..I'm..not..hurt.." she paused throughout every word. "go inside and rest, be careful."

the sun was going down when you got to the bloody house and it was now officially down. you hurried your way back to giyu. where is he?..

your thoughts were interrupted by loud yelling. your eyes widened as you heard his voice but not like before. it was angry, yelling. it made you shiver honestly. you quickly jumped down the cliff and behind a tree. the snow made your footsteps louder, but you were still silent.

you saw giyu holding a demon girl, a blade pointed at her. he was yelling at a red headed boy with a scar on his forehead.

you kept watching as he stabbed the demon. "NO! NEZUKO!" he screamed. he then got up holding a hatchet, ran towards tomioka, threw a rock at him. but as he threw the rock, he also threw the hatchet in the air deceiving tomioka. your eyes widened as you realized giyu didn't see what the boy was doing.

you stayed behind the tree although. "YOU IDIOT!" he knocked the boy out, to then look up and see a hatchet coming right for his head. he moved his head slightly to the right to avoid it in time. as that happened the demon kicked giyu and protected the knocked out boy..

"huh..?" you murmured to yourself in shock. that's when you decided to reveal yourself.

"what in hells name?" giyu knocked her out before turning his head to look at you.

"you're not gonna kill her?" you honestly were surprised that he didn't, and you realized he does have feelings and isn't always a bastard. he actually did something interesting.

you hummed. "isn't that against the demon slayer corp rules?"

"you can leave now." He glared at you. "i wanna introduce myself first."

— why are you doing this, y/n? —

you introduced yourself then left when giyu told the boy to go to former hashira, urokodaki's place.

you couldn't stop thinking about how giyu helped the boy, tanjiro out. maybe he wasn't that bad? you randomly felt curious to know why he was like how he was.

or even why his haori was so ugly, and how he got upset that time you insulted it.

you were on your way back to the butterfly mansion, but you sensed a demon in the middle of your traveling.

it wasn't some weak demon either. giyu sensed it too. sure you all weren't traveling together but you were still going to the same place.

you made it to the demon about 5 more minutes before he did. you saw a girl, with 6 eyes placed in random spots. she wasn't a lower or upper moon but she wasn't just a regular demon. you attempted to gather your composure but excitement rushed out anyways.

she had a blue ring around her neck, a feminine face but short black and white hair. one of her eyes were a dark brown and the other one was a crimson red with a link following below her eye. it looked like her eye was bleeding but you could tell it wasn't actual blood.

her outfit was quite revealing. she looked like she was killed when she was 26 most likely. her skin color was a dark orange. she overall looked so mismatched.

she was feasting on a muscular man which made you even more excited. she slowly looked up and saw you. "hmmm..who are you?" She smirked.

"why do you care? don't you just want to eat me?" giyu was hiding his presence. he couldn't help but be interested in what you would say. he told himself to leave, but he stayed anyways.

"i want to eat you after we fight." she let out a sadistic chuckle.

unexpectedly to the demon and giyu, you returned the laugh. your laugh filled the empty forest.

"it..seems we want the same thing." you looked at her brown and red eyes. "what are we waiting for?"

"nothing." as soon as your words came out of your mouth, you darted towards the girl. you hadn't even unsheathed your sword. which confused her and giyu.

she obviously dodged. "Is that all you got?" you knew she was trying to make you mad. "no need to make me mad when I'm already mad, girl."

"why are you mad?" she hummed as you both dodged each other's attacks. well, you weren't really attacking. "you talk a lot for a demon."

you stopped moving and shut your eyes. she looked at you confused. you pulled your sword out, and pointed it towards her. "i'm going to torture you." you opened your eyes and then smiled at her brutally. giyu thought your eyes looked awfully strange.

he had no clue you could be so sadistic. it peaked his interest yet scared him ever so slightly.

before the demon girl could even move, you had her pinned to a tree with your sword in her lower abdomen.

you furrowed your eyebrows as you sliced down slowly. The demon cried out. the screams made tomioka shiver.

you sliced her lower body in two parts. only thing that held her together was her upper body.

"p..l..EASE..STOOOPPPPP.." she screeched. "i warned you.."

you removed your blade from her body and the tree. "I'm done now." you sighed

you then shoved it through her head. blood splashed everywhere. you took it out, then cut her head off simply.

goddammit, you were a mess now. you knew shinobu was gonna scold you for being so gross and not instantly killing the demon. sure, she had the temptation to do the same but half the time she resisted.

shinobu was frightened, frightened you were gonna do something dumb one day. it was almost like you had no will power at all.

you put your sword back in its scabbard. giyu left as soon as you said you were done, he felt slightly disturbed after seeing what you just did.

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