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Finnlay's POV 

I finally made it home. I was going to stop by Bree's house, but it's close to eleven at night. She's probably in bed or getting ready for her early morning class. I opened the door to the house and saw all the lights are on in the kitchen. It smells like mom's homemade lasagna.

My stomach grumbled in turn and I immediately made my way to the kitchen. Mom was fixing up the last part of the salad dressing while the lasagna sat on the stove cooling off. What also caught my eye was Bree sitting at the counter typing on her laptop, notes spread around her. I gave her a smile when she looked up at me and paused on typing. Mom turned around and gave me a smile as well.

"Welcome back, Fin. We were busy in the store until 8:30! I dragged Miss Bree here to do her work while I feed her. I wasn't sure when you were getting back." I walked over to my mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek while she finished mixing her homemade dressing.

"I forgot to update you, sorry. The boys were heading to clubs and I decided to just head back for tonight." As much as I love Alec, Brody, Eddie, Mateo, and Tyler I'm not as much of a partier as they are. After the boys lost their playoff game they needed to let off some steam. That night was enough to last me a few months. I am more into practice time, looking at training and watching games with the bros. I made my way over to Bree to see her typing up some marketing plan. There are a few graphs in there about something.

"Hi." I greeted her and she stopped typing and rested her head in her hand. I've called her almost every day to talk. Sometimes twice since our first conversation. Granted it's only been four days, but talking to her everyday has become something I look forward to in my day. "What assignment is this one?"

"My 'fake' business plan and how everything will work out. I unfortunately was one of the last people to sign up so my business plan is for food trucks." I nodded and rested my arm on the back of her chair. I think I've been a gentle man about this whole thing, but jeez if I get to walk her out or take her home I am definitely kissing the daylights out of her. "I think I figured out how all this data on town traffic will connect to how much foot traffic we'll have set up in certain areas."

"That sounds like a whole lot, Bree." Mom looked over in thought and I wish I could tell what she was thinking. It's definitely her 'I am starting to brew up this plan' face. She looked over to me and gave a little smirk and shrugged while bringing the plates out. I got up to help her and fixed a plate for Bree as she continued to type. When I set it by her she paused and looked up to me.

Her brown eyes gleamed with gratitude and she gave me a sheepish smile. "Thanks Fin." I slid back into my seat and mom went to get herself a sparkling water from the fridge before sitting across from us. I shoveled a big bite of lasagna down my throat and gave out a little moan. Bree smirked and peeked over at me mid her bite.

"Fin, did you cook for yourself at all?" I gave my mom a sheepish look while wiping at the corners of my mouth.

"I definitely tried, but we all tended to go out to eat or get delivery. I made smart choices though."

"Well, I hope you would considering you're a grown man." I politely rolled my eyes at her and got a little laugh out of Bree. I looked over to her as her hair dangled out from her ponytail and little strands fell over her forehead.

Dinner was peaceful. I got to sit and admire how my mom and Bree interact. I've known this during the time I helped in December with the signs. Being part of it now, I'm digging the way that Bree values the advice and stories my mom is telling. After I helped with dishes Bree let out yawn at the table. "Fin, I offered your services to drive Bree back home. I'm going to head to bed and Bree, I'll see you tomorrow." Bree thanked her and started to shuffle all her papers into her laptop case.

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