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Bree's POV 

Before I drove home after the Super Bowl, Fin and I had a moment to ourselves. I was walking out to my car and he pulled me back. I immediately wrapped my arms around him and let his lips find mine. We've been super touchy feely over the last couple weeks. Since he came back a couple weeks ago, we've been stealing these quiet moments to kiss or to be intimate and touchy.

I was hesitant when he came back. I can't give him all of me. I can't let him take what I've built back up. He could have all the power soon if I don't watch myself.

Fin hoisted me up on top of the hood of his dad's truck. It's at a great height where I can slide down slightly and wrap my legs around Fin to bring him closer. One of Fin's hands traveled along the waistline of my leggings while the other one was cupping my ass. One of my hands is balancing me on the hood of his truck while the other is getting tangled in his hair.

He deepened the kiss and stepped closer to me. I didn't think it was possible but it is. At this angle I could feel him sporting a semi and I pulled back kissing at his neck. He let out a low growl and I put some space between us. His lips are swollen around the edges and I can guarantee mine are the same.

I just want to keep kissing him.


Scrolling through social media I caught sight of an article. I clicked on it, seeing Fin's face in the main shot alongside his football buddy Tyler. I was actually part of a facetime between him, Tyler and Mateo one day.

This article is stating how after the playoff loss this group of men went to a club out in Vegas that is not only one of the Sporting Club Resorts, but this one is also a Puck Bunny Station. The article went on to explain how owner Gary Hooper used to play in the NHL and wanted a lowkey bar for the national sport boys to go to. It is super high end and tight on security. They've opened a few across the nation. The location in Vegas has become this sort of resort. There's a hotel, the bar, a restaurant, a night club and now apparently a Puck Bunny Station.

I wasn't fully sure what the station was until I saw women in lingerie hanging off all the boys. I almost forgot that this is what their life is. A string of playoff games and high status and any women would love to suck their dick. I took in a deep breath remembering how I need to keep the little details of myself and not give them away. As much fun as it has been kissing him, it is like a smack in the face that this is his lifestyle.

He's leaving within the week to go back down to San Diego. That is pretty much a whole day's drive away. Eight hours really.

My phone beeped with a text from Fin asking if I wanted to go to our Mexican Restaurant. I bit my lip and decided to tell him I was busy with school work. I am hoping he leaves it at that.

As I continued to dig through Fin's major league life I found myself feeling like I'm in a hole that I can't dig myself out of. Fin has been great while he's here. The thing is, what is going to happen when he's not here. That is just something I can't play around with. It's playing with fire. Or in my case, playing with my hopes. I've already been ripped and torn apart before by my parents. It cannot happen again.

A knock on my door paused me in my third read through of Fin's article. I walked to my door curious to who is here and maybe it's just a package I ordered. I'm hoping it's my new phone case. That thing has been in the mail for two weeks. To my surprise it's Fin with a take out bag from our restaurant. I blinked at him and he gave me a cheeky grin. I let him in and slowly followed him to the table. This is the first time he has been in my apartment.

"I know you said you were busy but I figured if I brought it to you it might help." He gave me a smile over his shoulder as he unpacked the take out. I left my phone on the counter beside him and he glanced over and paused in the take out. "What's this?" He scrolled through the article and I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. "This is complete bullshit..." he whispered.

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