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The sisters, all together again in the past, in the snow globe of girlhood and memory that is ever-present but forever gone, are in a flurry of getting ready for a holiday party. "I know just who I'll dance with!" Meg, the eldest sister of March's sibling with amazing beauty and poise. "Who will you dance with, Jo?" Amy is young and wild, nothing like the mature her now.

"You know I never dance." Josephine March the second child of the family, is free-spirited and hectic. "I can't dance." Beth the youngest, quiet and gentle, has a habit of pleasing people before herself.

"That's not true, I'm way worse than you," A young 14-year-old Catherine March. You can see the clear difference between her childhood and now. The only thing stuck is her generosity and innocence, they still remain a part of her.

"Why can't we all go to the party?! It's not fair!" Amy's whining caused some laughter to pop out. Catherine watch her sister carefully as if this would be her last time seeing the freedom and freshness in them.

Meg's hair is covered in papers and struggles to get on a pair of slippers, and Jo manipulates a pair of hot tongs. Catherine sat beside Beth who had insisted to braid her hair in a beautiful bun with flowers to decorate.

Amy puts on jewels and rouge and tries to shape her nose, "My nose will simply not look refined." Catherine rolled her eyes, "You're being too hard on yourself, Ames."

"I like your nose too," Beth spoke to no one in particular and her sisters didn't seem to notice her comment, instead for Catherine who chuckle at her cuteness.

Jo, Amy, and Meg began a stupid argument between them while Catherine focuses on Beth, asking about her plan once they leave for the party. "I'll be practising the piano. I'll make sure to perfect it for you one day." She smiled at Beth, a genuine one that seem rare to get from her older self as she began to hum the melody.

Beth watches Jo handle the tongs, amazed and slightly worried as she nudges Catherine in concern, "Ought they to smoke like that?" Catherine watches the sizzling tong with a queer unpleasant smell happening and imminently panics, "Um, J-Jo!"

Jo being naive to her sister's cry removes the tongs, and a burnt clump of Meg's hair follows with it. Jo screams and Meg screams because Jo screams while Catherine quickly covered Beth's ears as Amy bursts into waves of laughter.

"You're ruined!" Amy teased the older sister more. "Why is her hair off?" Beth had her eyes wide open in hysteria. "Meg, I'm so sorry!" Jo frantically follows after Meg with a spill of sorry "What have you done?! Marmee, I'm spoilt! I can't go! My hair!" Meg screams at the top of her lungs while staring at herself in the mirror with distress.

"You shouldn't have asked Jo to do it! You knew better!" Catherine was on her feet, desiring to obtain something to aid the obvious brunt.

After the chaotic turn of the event, the older three sisters were finally able to head to the party without any more caused harm. They walked down the hallway at Gardiner's very fancy party, the party already in full swing.

Catherine purposely tunes out her older sister who pesters Jo with rules to obey in order not to embarrass herself. "Don't stare, don't put your hands behind your back, don't say Christopher Columbus, don't say Capital, don't shake hands, don't whistle-"

Luckily that nagging didn't last long when Meg was pulled away by her collection of friends to the side. Catherine glanced at Jo, swift to see her urge to leave the party as she had never been into them, "I won't tell,"

𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 - Theodore Laurence ✅Where stories live. Discover now