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Despite exiting the theatre, they both didn't stop there. Laurie continue to lead them through the townspeople, someone had called out and yelled to Laurie and others, and Laurie in response to the yelling had a simple smile or nod his head in a gesture of appreciation. He was a beloved person in town. And between all that, Cathy continue to let him guide her to wherever he wanted to take them. She wasn't complaining or anything, simply enjoying the moment as the cold wind brush through her face and hair. A smile had grown across her face.

As they ventured further from town, Laurie guided Cathy to a serene meadow where the distractions of reality seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them alone in this peaceful oasis. In this intimate setting, Laurie wants to take the opportunity to confess his genuine feelings for Cathy, vowing to never hurt her again and pledging his steadfast devotion. Carefully setting her hand free, ignoring how cold it felt to lose contact with her.

He watches as Catherine took a deep breath, taking in the crisp air and the beautiful scenery around them. She was so beautiful, Laurie simply taught. Her hair was a beautiful shade, eyes were deep and emotional, her skin a shade of gold. For the first time in a long time, Laurie felt a rush of emotions, he knew he had his Cathy back.

With a sense of ceremony, he took a second to let Cathy appreciate her surrounding before overtaking her view. When she tilted her head in confusion at his sudden surge of confidence, he carefully presented Cathy with a beautiful pair of silk gloves and delicate fan lace he had purchased earlier at the market.

"Well aren't you sweet?" As she gingerly accepted the gifts, the blissful tranquillity of their surroundings seemed to mirror the deepening connection between them. "Why are you gifting me this," Cathy asked, blushing as she took the box carefully from his hand, their touch lingering a second longer than necessary. Laurie, sensing her curiosity, gave her a gentle smile and said, "I just thought you might like them, and they reminded me of you." As Cathy marveled at the elegant gloves and fan, she couldn't help but imagine the countless future moments they would create together, building a lifetime of memories.

This simple yet meaningful gesture not only brought them closer but also served as a symbol of the deep love they shared for one another.

Tender with his actions, Laurie reach out for the ribbon hidden in the folds of the glove and gently he gestures it to her hair, "Could I?" As she nodded in agreement, he carefully moved her hair to the side, their eyes would lock in a moment of intimacy.

He felt almost nervous as they stood close, their bodies inches apart, and Cathy's eyes would sometimes glimpse at his lips making him grow smug with confidence. As he run his finger through her hair, his eyes would meet hers as he purposely let his finger glide across her neck.

Attentively yet messily, he tied the ribbon around her hair and fastened it at the side of her neck. Neither took a step back despite the action being rather intimate, and they both held their breath.

"Plus, there is the added fact that I have not had the opportunity to offer you any gifts previously, and that is something that weighs heavily on my conscience," Laurie whispered, his eyes locked onto her lips as they stretched across her face, revealing the wrinkles that formed at the corners of her mouth as she giggled. In response to his confession, she playfully chided him, "I haven't gifted you anything either, you silly boy."

As the laughter between them subsided, Laurie found himself falling deeper for Cathy, captivated by her adorable mannerisms and the warmth of her kindness. Their playful banter about him being a "boy" filled him with a happiness he had never experienced before. As they continued to talk, the connection they shared seemed to grow stronger, a mere glance or a shared smile holding more meaning than any grand gesture could. And in those moments, Laurie knew he had found someone truly special – someone he could see himself spending a lifetime with.

Lifetime? Laurie thought to himself. Their eyes now moved to her hand that still hold his gift to her. It almost looks bare seeing not a ring on it anymore. It did make him feel glad she was no longer tied to another man but it also told him, she was free to go to others too.

Freely brave, Cathy moved to lean her head against his shoulder, both of them now wrapped in the comfort as they watch the sun coming to a set. She noticed how he stared at her fingers, where a ring was used to be placed. "What is it?" she asked.

Laurie glance at her, wondering after everything they talked and endure, will it be too early for him to ask her about their relationship? Laurie glanced at her, his heart filled with a mix of hope and apprehension. He took a deep breath and decided to address the unspoken feelings between them. "Cathy," he began, his voice steady and sincere, "I've grown very fond of you, and I would like to explore the possibility of something more between us." As he waits for her response, Laurie couldn't help but feel vulnerable, acutely aware that her response could change the course of their lives forever. "Would you be comfortable with that? Do you see a future together for us?"

Cathy look back up at his eyes, her hands were wrapped around his arms but she puts a slight distance between them. This is a serious situation for both of them. "Laurie..." she began.

𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 - Theodore Laurence ✅Where stories live. Discover now