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This time it was Catherine and Beth walking by the empty beach. Beth had insisted for Cathy come with her and only her. Catherin on the other hand been trying to avoid being only with anyone in the house. Knowing Jo, she would try to interrogate her, and Marmee and Hannah's concerned glimpses every second they could were not how she envisions her stay back home was like.

And she knew, here on this beach. Beth is going to ask. "How's Amy?" Beth started the conversation, she wrapped herself with a warm blanket to shelter her weak body from the cold wind while Catherine walk beside her, carrying a picnic basket as they plan to spend their lunch there.

Catherine broke into a smile thinking about the girl in London. "In love." She let out a giggle as she remembers how truly and profoundly in love her sister was, similar to her partner, "I bet he's going to propose to her soon."

Beth had smiled at that too; she can just imagine how happy Amy would be if her fairy tale had come true. A rich handsome man, genuine love, understanding and support of her arts, and more. It was perfect. But when she glances at her sister beside her that's staring far into the sea in adoration. "Are you in love too?" Catherine glanced back at Beth, she expected the topic to somehow change about her and Wayne's situation but not a question like that.

"I like to believe so." Was a truthful answer. It was an answer Catherine hoped to happen when they get married, maybe Wayne changes by then and she can open her heart to him. They stop in the middle of a shady spot, Beth watches as Catherine unreels the blanket on the sand while unpacking their lunch carefully for her.

Catherine stares at her sister as she chews on her sandwiches. She's been ignoring Beth's condition on purpose, she doesn't want to comment on how ghastly and horrible she looked or how from time Beth's body would tremble and slightly lose her energy. It broke her heart but she wanted to spend this moment enjoying her presence.

"I'm sorry." Beth turns her face to Catherine in surprise. "W-Why are you apologising?" As much as it surprised her and wonder why would Catherine apologize, it did somehow make her heart and eyes tear up as she started to guess the reason behind it.

The older March took in a deep breath as she avoids eye contact, "I left you, Marmee, father and Hannah. Everyone." She heard how Beth's breath hitched as she too refuses to look at Catherine, the memory was horrible to everyone. "and I'm sorry that I haven't come back sooner. Y-You even –"

"Beg." Beth continue her words, and finally, they shared a look at each other. Catherine look so guilty while Beth had a broken smile but one that wasn't blaming Catherine at all, "I begged you to come back with every letter but..."

The sound of the hard wave crashing filled the short silence, "But I was young and naïve. You were mature. I didn't see what you have sacrificed for me and our family." Beth took out her hand from the blanket, clenching it with Catherine's, "I'm not mad. I'm thankful."

Catherine took in a deep breath, Beth's words didn't help with how she still left worthless to support her family, yet she did everything. She brought back money for their family to grow and support Beth's illness, extraordinary silks, and gifts for Meg bought every painting utensil for Amy and would slip some cash for Jo without her knowledge.

And all with her own money, not once asking Aunt March. But yet, all that money still hasn't cured or healed her sister or brought any happiness to her parent or Hannah, instead has conveyed her to feel more guilt and loneliness from being remote from her family.

Their silence turned into a comfortable one, gazing at the sea as they enjoy this moment together. It reminds them of their youth and Catherine had sometimes wished that she could go back and appreciate them with her sister and Beth deprived of being mature and burdened about things that didn't matter then.

"Will you promise me something?" Beth brought it up. Catherine merely hums in reply as their clutch hands are still intertwined and she's caressing her softly with care and caution. It was a peaceful moment between them everything else was forgotten.

"That you'll marry someone that you deserve." Beth tightens her hands, "Someone generous, sweet, enduring and understanding. Not... him." Even though Beth sounds out her concerns, Catherine played it off and laughs as she jokes out, ignoring the topic about Wayne, "And I shall name our daughter after you."

Beth decided to play along for now, "Yes, that is a must." However, she can't play it long, "Be happy. Even when I'm not here." It is said quickly, almost casually, but it lands like it was meant to. Catherine had felt her heart shuttered, her tear building up causing her view to be blurry but Catharine maintain herself to look straight ahead and forces those salty drops back to go back. She isn't someone who would get mad when Beth spoke of such.

She was someone who accept the fact yet would chose to ignore it. She didn't want to beg Beth to not say such a thing, but she knew that it was better to promise to her as it would ease her little sister's heart that she wasn't burdening anyone. "Happy." Catherine let out a shaky breath as she blinks her eyes multiple times to get rid of the tears, "I'll be happy. Promise."

Beth smiles, even though Catherine was refusing to look at her. The girl was contented, in fact, so much, to distinguish that her sister who has done wholly for her will be happy one day. "I don't need no more superhero," Beth softly spoke, remembering their past about Catherine's words to her then-sick self. "I'm no longer afraid."

"You've grown so well and strong. You no longer need me." Catherine bite down her lips harshly, it was starting to bleed to some extent. As she whispers out with the proud tone she could, "So very strong."

𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 - Theodore Laurence ✅Where stories live. Discover now