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"What is the matter with you! You are being petty," Catherine let out a puff of air once Laurie had put a distance between them and the family. In fact, they were particularly out of anyone's eye side. "That's real mature. You know I shouldn't even be around you."

Laurie had expected Catherine's rejection, but it still stung to hear her words of reproach. He was used to her being understanding and compassionate. He wanted so much to win back her trust, but he just couldn't find the right words.

However, Catherine's comment got him thinking.

They were going through a very difficult time, for sure. Catherine is off to be married soon in days but here he was denying that thought and hoping for the old Catherine and their bond to reconnect. "I'm sorry," Laurie took in a deep breath as Catherine watches his behavior carefully, her eyes would continuously glance around them afraid Wayne and Aunt March would catch them once more.

Catherine took a few breaths in as she jumbles her words carefully, "I shouldn't be here long, Laurie. Wayne isn't very patient and -"

"Will you get married once you come back from your trip?" Laurie cut through Catherine so rapidly that it took time for them both to process the words. "W-Wha-" Catherine coughs out, her face frowning when she registers that her mind was going to deny such a fact, "Yes."

Catherine felt the bitterness and awkwardness of that simple word being said upon the question but it was true. "I have delayed the wedding enough," Catherine gave Laurie a soft smile one to hide her anxiety at the thought of officially signing off with a man who she could barely like. "And it's not like I can postpone it forever..."

"Will you?" Laurie took a step closer to Catherine, attempting to show his urges and needs, "Will you if I-" / "No!" Catherine indecently shelter her ears from hearing more, quickly shifting her face and body to another direction but Laurie kept making sure that their eyes were amidst each other only.

"I couldn't help it, and you've been so good to me-" Laurie was desperate, his hand kept reaching out for Catherine but he didn't want to touch her, he didn't want to force her into anything but merely listen like how she had begged him before.

"S-Stop it, Laurie!" Catherine was having a hard time keeping herself from tears. It was the first time in years that those words, words she had been wanting and waiting for years. She wanted to run to him and make everything better, but she was afraid, she had a duty, she was off to be married. Why now and not years ago?!

So she stayed put and tried to ignore him.

Laurie watched Catherine's face carefully as she tried to hide her emotions. He wanted so much to take her into his arms and comfort her, to let her know that everything would be alright. But he knew that she wouldn't appreciate it. So, he contented himself with just watching her silently, his hand still reaching out for her.

In a way, Laurie had been trying to win her back. He had been trying to get her to see things from his perspective, but Catherine was being so stubborn. She refused to admit that she still have feelings for him and he could see it, and she didn't want to hear any more excuses or justifications when she promised herself to move on and be the great child and niece everyone wanted from her.

It was frustrating, really, the moment she gets her life stable, everything she wanted, her past kept coming back to tempt her.

Laurie took a step closer to Catherine, his hand now resting on her shoulder. He wanted to pull her into a tight embrace, to feel her soft body against his, to kiss her and make her forget about her responsibilities and her fiancé for just a moment but he resisted. He wanted to say so many things to her but he didn't want to make her feel bad, he didn't want her to regret her decision, he wanted her to be happy, "Laurie, don't... I can't. I just can't."

"Yes, please," Laurie could feel himself breaking if Catherine gave any more words of rejection to stop him, "I'm trying to show it but you wouldn't let me-"


Both turned their heads, meeting eyes with a furious Wayne with his fist clutched to his side. Catherine immediately stood straight like a military soldier, all those welled-up tears were quickly gone so was any ounce of emotion in those doe eyes. "I- Um," Catherine look between Laurie and Wayne.

Laurie refuses to even look at the man a few feet behind him, he kept his eyes on Catherine and she could see his desperation for her not to go, don't get on that carriage with the man and leave him unanswered here.

"I-I have to go," she turned to leave, returning back as the Catherine that hold an engagement ring on her finger but not before putting her hand on her chest, feeling her pounding heart. "I'll see you soon," she said over her shoulder. "Goodbye, Laurie," she didn't even give him a glance, simply walking away, even begetting Wayne as she indeed walk to the carriage where Amy, Fred, Aunt March, and Mr. and Mrs. Dunn were.

With a quick goodbye and fleet kiss on Amy's and Aunt March's cheek, Catherine headed inside the carriage and refuse to make any eye contact with anyone. Amy frowned at her sister's action, glancing over her shoulder to see Wayne whispering something to Laurie once their shoulder brushed.

Laurie had this shock but the most enraged feature was on his face. This had made Amy's attention grow, even more, wanting to know what was happening in this love triangle that was forming shape slowly.

Laurie walked behind Wayne as they both headed back to the crowd. Wayne looked through the carriage's window and saw Catherine already seated and ready to go. He wished everyone a good evening as he got in, seating himself across from her, who didn't even spare him a glance.

Once the couple was seated and comfortable, the coachman closed the door and the carriage started to move. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn along with Aunt March had dispersed and the only people left were Laurie, Amy, and Fred as they watch the carriage gradually head out of their view.

Laurie was still reeling from the conversation; he didn't expect what happened next. He thought for sure he managed to get past it but apparently not when he saw Catherine's reaction. He thought for sure that she would have accepted what he said and would have given them a chance to work things out but apparently, he was wrong.

She still hung on to that dream, that illusion that everything would be fine and that she could move on from him. 'She doesn't love you anymore,' his conscience pestered him, 'why don't you just give up?' But he knew, deep inside, that if he gave up on Catherine, he'll never be able to move on. He would be stuck in this limbo, without any closure, without any answers. It was better to keep going and hope than to give up and accept his fate.

𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 - Theodore Laurence ✅Where stories live. Discover now