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The two stare simply at each other, both holding very diverse emotions. Laurie was clear in nerves while Cathy almost, almost felt awkward if she didn't find their situation quite amusing after everything that have happened between them. Letting a few more seconds pass by them, thinking maybe Laurie would start speaking but the boy was as nervous as a schoolboy is in front of their crush.

"Well, I should apologies first," This snaps Laurie back to reality, her words caused him to vomit words of denial that there no such for her to do so but Cathy was insisted, "I had to drop a letter which did issue my late arrival."

Laurie nods his head, slowly accepting her words. Cathy almost rolled her eyes, slightly frustrated but it is a sight to get the great Laurie to be quiet, she spoke once more, "I believe we should head in? We are rather late aren't we?"

Muttering quickly rights, he took an action with his body, leading Cathy up the stairs into the theatre building. He took the role of apologizing to the man that had to lead them into their seats since the light had dimmed down, and actors are already singing and acting on stage. Begetting Cathy to seat first before himself, next to her.

The moment they sat down, Laurie notice how mesmerized Cathy was by the performance—no longer feeling shy about their late arrival that cause a few audience's disapproval. Cathy was very much more intrigued by the scenes acted out before them, it caused a pleased smile to reach Laurie's face as he knew it was one of her favorite plays.


All the March siblings are currently in Laurence's library. Laurie was supposedly doing his study session with Mr Brookes but the sudden arrival of the March siblings caused his distraction, not that his tutor was complaining since Meg was there with her sweet smile on him.

All went their separate way in the library, with different interests and styles, they all brought back a book each before everyone huddles up that the sofa and cushions.

Young Laurie as always shared the single armchair with Jo, both squeezed tightly to each other but not bothered, Meg and Mr. Brookes found more privacy as they took the further away from the sofa and cushions so they could talk without being bothered. Amy and Beth claimed the cushions on the ground, lying dead on their back like a starfish as they held their books up in the air to read, giggling and pushing each other shoulder every once in a while.

Seeing all this made Laurie realize how everyone just seems to break into pairs easily. All but one.

There beside the chair, he shared with Jo was Cathy, sitting all alone on the largest couch in the library. Her legs were brought up and safely tugged under her as she has a book on her lap. Seeing herself there, with so much space around him made him feel sorry for her.

He sees it now; Cathy had always been alone even with her own family. When he first meets and even now, Cathy did everything herself, but not, she complained or showed signs of her loneliness.

"Teddy?" Laurie snaps back to Jo, almost feeling caught cheated that he was staring at his crush's sister, but fleetly played it off, he hummed in questioning. "Me and Beth are going around asking everyone favourite storybook. What's yours?" Amy asked once more, not letting Jo do it instead.

Laurie let the question breeze through his brain, he could already imagine everyone's answers. The classic two either Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and King Lear. Any of William Shakespeare's works were at the peak of popularity currently.

And as he expected, Amy and Beth claimed the romance of Romeo and Juliet to be the best, and although Jo didn't love any romantic story, she admits that Shakespeare is a favorable story. Laurie wasn't even able to say his own as Amy and Jo ramble about their view of a romantic story, and he felt relief that he didn't since he honestly doesn't have one. If he had to choose, whatever Jo likes.

As he watched the two bicker without batting an eye at each other, Laurie heard the faint question asked by Beth to Cathy. "What about you, Cathy. Are you still hooked on that one book?" It seems that Laurie wasn't the only one shocked by the question since Cathy too looked surprised when she raised her head from her book to her sister.

"Oh please!" Amy exclaimed out loud before giggling seeing Cathy almost shying away from the other eyes on her. "It's only every that book she loves!" Cathy found herself laughing along with Amy as she asked her head, she was not denying the statement too.

"What book?" Laurie asked, breaking the cheers of giggle to him now. Even Jo chuckled shaking her head at his friend, "Don't get her started now, Teddy. She won't stop until she recites the whole damn book!" This caused Amy and Beth to fill the room with their voices as they spoke about the time Cathy had rambled on and on about the said book.

Seeing the still confused face, Cathy carefully leans over to Laurie's direction, gaining his attention before answering, "It's Gaston Leroux's novel Le Fantôme de l'Opéra," It took Laurie a second to understand her as her sudden change of language and accent had caused him to blush before he repeated the title but in English, "The Phantom of the Opera?"

"Oh! Oh!" Laurie's call to the said book caused Amy to sit upright straight in excitement, "Tell him what part or exactly who in the book caused you to love it so much!" Cathy rolled her eyes, almost as if she was tired of hearing it again and again but smiled as she watches her sisters laugh at each other in amusement for her interest.

Laurie had read the book once, just once since it wasn't popular as other stories. But he was interested now, so carefully taking the distracted Jo with Beth and Amy's chatter. He moved to seat beside Cathy much to her surprise as she thought the topic had ended.

"Well?" That simple word and tone told her enough that he was curious about her answer. Softly laughing, she shut the book on her lap and turned her body to give full attention to the boy, "The book is great. But if you're wondering what Amy is going of about. It's that I don't favourable that the girl ended with Raoul."

And yet again, Laurie needed a second to understand this, since he only read the book once, and in a long time. Raoul is the main character of the book that ends up with the girl. He starts wondering why wouldn't she like Raoul that has all the classic character traits to be with the girl. Heroic, smart, and wealthy, it's every girl's dream.

Cathy swiftly understands his inquiry, Laurie is an easy book to read, his emotion clears on his face. Laughing, in a whisper, "He does have everything a girl need and want from a man. But I think Erik could be a better suit," She place the one book on her lap away from them, Laurie knew she was about to get serious, and seeing the glint and sparkle in her eyes got him mesmerized to just listen and smile.

"Now, overlooking his mental state. Erik genuinely loves her." Laurie bit back his urge to laugh seeing Cathy's eyes challenging him to deny her, "How so?" / "How? Easy, He gave her a skill in music, gave her confidence, believed in her when others didn't. A man doesn't need to be heroic, smart or wealthy to genuinely love someone." Laurie nods his head, seeing her point, "Then what does a man need for a girl to love her?"

Unknown to them both, their topic had drifted off from the book. Beth who have been watching them due to her observant skills, saw how close they were leaning into each other to call friendly, but the way their eyes glowed and the shimmer of playfulness and legitimate interest between them also told her that they are naïve to what their emotions are holding.

"I don't know about the others but," Cathy held eye contact with him, neither backing off, "but to me, a man simply needs to be there in the side line, step up when she's down, speak when needed and act like you mean it."

Laurie somehow found himself memorizing her words. "...Did Erik do that?"

Cathy giggles, shaking her head in denial. Being the first to put distance between them as she moved back to her previous position, her focus on her book but with one last sentence, "He did all that, just needed to work more on the action part."

𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 - Theodore Laurence ✅Where stories live. Discover now