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Catherine sighed, a frown appearing softly on her face as she hides behind the laces of the fan in her grasp. Dressed all so poised and flawlessly groomed. Even the ribbon in her hair was straightened, not a strand out of place. But with the clothes comes the expectations, and this day has been a trial.

Every minute that she was not at home, taunting Jo with a terrible script, playing the perfect groom for Amy, or being Beth's listener to her improvement, she was being asked more questions about her age, her reputation, partners, and weddings.

All the young men in their tuxedos wait for the young women, while some were brave enough to confront and ask for a dance. But Catherine couldn't bear to be in the same room as any of them. She felt like a fraud. After all, she was far too poor and weak to be competing for a husband. She was just a silly girl in a silly dress.

What was saddening was the lack of notice of how she was most beautiful of all. She's a triumph. She failed to notice the stare upon her and flirty gesture, instead, witnessing it as a rich people's mannerism.

As Catherine was invited to a dance, she was forced into it with a simple glance from Aunt March who stood with her friends and foes. Accepting the hand who waited for hers, she was pulled into the dance floor as a couple and partners paired up for a new song.

It was a slow dance, the music melancholic and beautiful. She had no choice but to smile and pretend to enjoy the moment. But it was hard. She could feel the eyes upon her, the whispers, the judgment. It was all too much.

She wanted to go home, but she didn't want to hurt the people she was with. So, she continued to smile and murmur words of encouragement, her eyes searching for a way out. But there was none. She was trapped.

"May I?" Catherine snapped out of her thoughts when the dancing was halted in the middle of the crowd, and she looked beside her to see Laurie standing in front of her. The boy didn't glance at her, but instead at her dance partner, as he signal to him that he wanted the next dance with Catherine.

Seeing a well-preserved rich, curly chestnut hair, a half-Italian man with big black eyes. Laurie held himself high, a Laurie that Catherine haven't seen at all. Not being able to reject the question, Catherine's dance partner gave a quick peck on her gloved hands before delivering them to Laurie.

She was pulled into a quick dance, the music loud and fast, the steps difficult to follow. She wanted to say something to Laurie, her surprise at his sudden appearance at the party and how unbothered the male was with all these eyes and whispers on them.

So, she kept quiet and smiled, her eyes trained on the floor, her hands clutching the fabric of Laurie's tuxedo, trying to keep her balance. It was hard. "Relax," Laurie had bent down, whispering slowly by her ear as his eyes roam the party, "Just follow my lead. Like our first dance together, I'll catch you through all." He smiled and took her into his arms.

Laurie took her hand and twirled her once around the floor, a slow, making graceful dance. It was a role reversal, as everyone was at a quick pace with the music, Laurie lead them on their own in the middle as he hums their tune to her ears. Catherine didn't mind it; she had simply forgotten that she was in a room filled with powerful and rich people whose eyes are on them. She was being allowed to forget her place for a moment, to simply be herself. That was all she ever wanted.

Once the melody all stopped, the male bowed to the female. Laurie made sure to maintain eye contact with Catherine causing this enormous smile that pleased him enough. Aunt March watches this interaction so carefully, unknown what to feel or react but for now, she would let it be.

Catherine felt her cheeks heat up as she was pulled away from the crowd and into the lobby of the mansion. The music and voices faded away, leaving her in a small empty room. She was alone with Laurie.

Plopping herself on the couch, Laurie did the same beside her, their shoulder touching as Catherine's eyes seem to be turning wheels in her brain before a huge smile that reach her ears for the first time that night broke and it made a weird sensation in Laurie's chest, knowing he was the cause of it.

"I'm asking myself right now, do you even exist? I mean, can someone like you be real?" Catherine glanced at Laurie; her smile wasn't even flattering anymore. It was genuine, and he could see that. Her expression softened, her smile becoming more natural. "Why's that?"

She paused for a moment, and a thought came, "You're not someone to be ignored, Theodore Laurence." Laurie shook his head, a chuckle coming out of his mouth unintentionally. He didn't know how she could be so honest and blunt. But he liked it. For some reason he couldn't explain, he felt a rush of adrenaline from her words.

He was intrigued. "I'm glad to know you feel that way."

The smile was still lingering on her face, but her eyes were now fixed on the floor. Laurie watched as she toyed with the bow on her glove, a nervous habit that he was starting to realize. He found it adorable. "... I wonder how you could handle all that pressure." She mumbled before turning her head to the side.

She heard a soft laugh. "Not to boast but," Laurie made eye contact with Catherine and she just knew he was going to reply with something so mischievous and annoying, "With this handsome face, you'll get used to it." And just like that, Catherine was right. With no hesitation, using her fan, she made sure to whack Laurie the hell out as he burst into a huge laughter. "Is that it?! You dare to say that?!"

His laughter slowly loosens and sat up as Catherine started pouting in annoyance but Laurie knew she was hiding her urge to smile at him. It was an interesting feeling. He could feel himself leaning forward, his eyes fixed on her face. This was the first time that he felt like he was the one in control of the situation, and it was a rush.

He liked it.

"If it makes you any better," Laurie's eyes had somehow gazed hard on Catherine's features as she had a confused look waiting for him to finish his sentence, "Your most attractive feature is your kindness. You make me a better person." Imminently Catherine's face burst into redness, using her fan to put a barrier between her face and those eyes of his, choosing to ignore his comment she spoke, "How did I make you a better person."

Laurie chuckled sitting up straight as he stares off, "You wouldn't believe how I was before." Rubbing his finger against each other, he looked over at Catherine. He could tell that she was waiting for an answer. "I can be spoiled, selfish, and self-indulgent."

He paused, a small smile playing on his lips as he watched Catherine's body twitch slightly at the end of his sentence. She was having a hard time believing Laurie was like that. He wanted to continue, wanted to see her reaction. "I've grown up with wealth and privilege and sometimes takes that for granted." He said finally, his eyes still fixed on her. "you make me better, trust me."

Catherine couldn't help but let out a small laugh. The thought of Laurie being spoiled was unexpected. In the small amount of time they've known each other, he became more and more of a gentleman to her.

She couldn't help but feel happy that she was able to brighten his life up a little. But she remembered something. There was silence between them both. Neither knew what to continue that was until, "What about sisters?" Catherine carefully placed her fan down, looking at her incredible dazzling shoes instead of Laurie, "Jo specifically, didn't she make you better too?"

Catherine's heart wanted so hard to ignore the hesitation clear in Laurie's body language as he look out at Catherine, smiling at her, "All you March did." She knew it was selfish, she knew it was wrong. But for a moment where she had hoped that Laurie would lie to her and say 'no'. For once she wanted to be in his mind alone and not her family, sister, or Jo.

"Why are you here, Laurie? I haven't asked yet."

"Oh? Jo found out about the party. She wanted me to make sure you don't fall in love," But here tonight, she realized something. This is the first sign that this interest she had in Laurie wasn't going to make it. And she should stop desiring.

It's going to be a few more months before she did.

𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 - Theodore Laurence ✅Where stories live. Discover now