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The day has come, Wayne is currently on his way to the March household to pick up Catherine and head their way back to Paris. His clear foul mood is dedicated to his frown and clicking of his tongue as he becomes impatient over the seconds.

The moment he arrived at the location, his emotions turned into confusion at seeing another carriage before the house. Of its carving and horse breed, clearing the person who was invited was just as wealthy as him. But that aside, a clear frantic Fred was outside the house pacing around before his eyes landed on him.

"Oh! Wayne!" Fred spoke unusually loud as if to warn someone, which was just as much suspicious for Wayne. "His here! Now!" / "Alright, shut it! I don't need you irrupting voice this early of the day," Wayne growled at him as he steps out of the carriage. When he took merely two steps forward, Fred immediately stood in his way.

Wayne glared him up and down, "Step away," he simply stated but Fred held his ground despite looking afraid. In status wise and anything else basically, Wayne practically holds the higher power between them. "I swear, Fred. If you-" / "Oh, Wayne! Oh, how I missed you!" Turning his attention to the other that dare to cut his words, which was no surprise but to be Amy of course.

Rolling his eyes at the clear sweet mocking tone in her voice, Wayne always knew that Amy had always loathed him. Amy stepped in between the two towering men, leaning her back against her fiancé who was able to breathe now with her presence around. "What do we have a pleasure of having you here?" Amy smile, innocently but Wayne wasn't in the mood to please her games. "It's either you grew dumber by the day or simply forgetful. Obviously, I'm here for you sister."

Amy's eyes sharpen at his words, and her mind repeated how the man before her dared to call her dumb. She scoffed and imminently her posture revolved, almost ready to pounce at Wayne, but then again Fred hurriedly held her arms tight and nervously chuckle to fill in the silence and glaring contest between the two.

"Now, now." Fred chuckled, pulling Amy to be beside him instead, and move Wayne's eyes to him as he spoke, "We have important guest here. We all should be in good manners, right?" Wayne glowered, he rendered the carriage, looking over his shoulder before voicing out his question, "Who?"

"Well, that's- " Fred nervously tried to hesitate to answer, but unlike him, Amy wasn't shy at all, "Your parents. We were quite surprised too," she smirked seeing how nervous Wayne had changed, his mind was flashing back on things that could anger his parents. Which was every action he did. "W-Well, Aunt March is also here." / "Oh, who cares about that old woman," Amy slaps the back of her arm onto Fred's chest before returning into the house. Ignoring her fiancé muttering that Aunt March was still her family.

After a few seconds, Wayne snapped back to reality as he remembered Catherine. The girl could have blackmailed him with his action and deed to others women during their engagement with his parents. His mind was racing with everything Catherine could use agent him. Hurriedly he took steps to enter and speak but Fred once again stopped him.

"What are you doing-" / "I wouldn't enter yet if I were you." Wayne glared in confusion, "Whatever do you mean. Speak clearly!" Fred let out a sigh, glancing between the house and Wayne before deciding to speak up, "Well um,"

"For God's Sake!"

"Cathy is missing!"

There was a dead silence.

"So is Laurie-" / "That whore!"

"Oh shut up!" Fred finally raised his voice. He knew that their conversation is being overheard but he won't stand Wayne disrespecting his sister-in-law anymore. "It's not like you never ran away into another's woman arms while Cathy is standing right in front of you!" Wayne was about to open his mouth to repent but Fred was faster, "And don't go pointing finger! We don't even know if they ran away together!"

Fred took in a deep breath to calm himself down, while Wayne simply stared. He was stunned that Fred was able to raise his voice at him. Once the two men's head was in clear process, Fred spoke finally of very important detail. "Cathy left...the engagement ring, also with a letter denying your marriage to her."

With that, Wayne stomp past Fred and barged into the March house.

"Mother," he froze in the middle of the living room, "Father," There all adults stayed sited on the only couch provided in the March house, Aunt March sat on the single seat, causing the rest to stand surrounding them as they discuss. Wayne despite being in such an embarrassing moment in his life, still had the nerves to glare at the rest which he views as, 'peasants' that were staring at him.

The moment his eyes laid on a piece of parchment paper, his mind imminently viewed as the exact paper of information for Catherine's ran. He without hesitation, and in no clear manner, swatch the paper off the coffee table which stood between his parent and Aunt March.

As Wayne glances through the content of the letter, gasping each second as it gets worse as he read. His mother decided to speak up, unlike her son, she held a kinder tone to the family as she address the mother of the household, "I'm terribly sorry. I never knew I gave birth to such..." she wasn't able to find the words to continue. Clear in her face, the disappointment and shame she felt with Wayne's action and deed towards Cathy as they were engaged.

"Disgrace." Mr. Dunn ended his wife's sentence. He moved his eyes to scowl at his son who was still more focused on Catherine's letter, revealing every detail he ever did. Mr. Dunn, unlike his wife, saw no point in shrouding his disgust to his only son, "And that's the kindest I may possibly say. As he is still regrettably my son,"

Wayne finally held his head up to his parent, seeing just the displeasure, frustration, and much emotions radiating off of them. He had muttered cursed words under his breath and just before he could outer out excuses or blame on his now ex-fiancé. Surprisingly, Mr. Laurence spoke up, "I think that this is past the time. It's clear the decision of dear Catherine and her parent disapproval..."

He deliberately pauses mid-sentence to glance for Aunt March's approval. As much as Marmee and Mr. March is the most significant figure to agree or not to the wedding engagement. Aunt March held more power and is the head of this arrangement. He would be frightened that the Dunn won't approve of anything as long as Aunt March doesn't side with her blood.

Everyone kept silent as the old frail woman made up her mind, unexpectedly she turned to her sister. Marmee. "I..."

𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕄𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕗𝕖 - Theodore Laurence ✅Where stories live. Discover now